Sunday 15 June 2014

Why Every Sane Man Should Consider Hooking Up With Co Workers

Why Every Sane Man Should Consider Hooking Up With Co Workers
Sex is crucial in adult relationships, but it is difficult to know who can be a good partner in bed, and who would not be satisfactory. This can lead to differences going forward, and eventually divorce. Divorces, as we know, can be messy, and expensive. This situation is best avoided by looking for partners close at hand. Luckily, modern morality is open to such thoughts so living together is no longer a taboo.


It could end up bad for you

Hooking up with coworkers may seem professional suicide, especially in times of unemployment. Indeed, if things do not work out well, chances are that co-worker is likely to talk about it amongst other colleagues. This might force the man to leave the job without receiving a pink slip from his employer. But this is just a chance, and it is the performance fear that makes the man think this way. If the man is not confident of this, chances are that his wife or steady girlfriend too might leave him sooner or later. Let's face it, sex is crucial for adult relationship. People can be good to each other but the hormones do not understand the meaning of the word "adjustment". A lot of love and consideration is needed for living a life with sexual dissatisfaction. Even then, the dissatisfaction manifests itself in different ways causing unhappiness all around. This is the reason, a person needs to read, listen, watch, and learn, at times experience it for knowing how to go about it. One way to do it is, of course, hooking up with co-workers.


Sometimes things can really work out

Co-workers understand the professional stress. They are more likely to overlook the lapses in sexual performance at such times than a person who does not understand what transpired during the day and wants her pound of flesh. Likewise, when there is a major achievement in the workplace, and something exciting, the co-worker would be equally charged and therefore, sex would be more pleasurable to both. In most professions, there is some sort of competition between co-workers. Many times, this becomes the cause of stress and relationships with outsiders may not survive such stress. But if the man is hooking up with a coworker, chances are that such competitive spirit would remain at normal levels, without one trying to be better than the other. The chances of co-operation on projects would improve considerably too. Junior co-workers often tend to be in awe of their bosses, and fawn on them like the character of Dorothy Boyd in Jerry Maguire. Such fawning may seem silly to some, but does loads of good to the ego of the boss. Hooking up with such co-workers would make them more loyal and productive. Work environment also exposes several positive and negative attributes of people. For example, it is easy to identify how the co-worker interacts with others, and whether the co-worker is inclined to be lazy or careless. Hooking up with an outsider does not expose the nature of the person, and chances are that something like a "Fatal Attraction" can happen if the person has some obsessive disorder. There can of course be saved on picking up and dropping the person at her place. It is also easier to explain such relationships to others as people are more likely to treat such relationship as professional rather than sexual. But the biggest advantage of hooking up with co-worker in our times would be knowing that the person does not have many sexual partners. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause havoc in such hook ups and as of now, there is no cure for HIV infection. Co-worker is inclined to work in the same premises, and therefore, her whereabouts is almost confirmed for the entire period. It is hard to trust a casual hooking up arrangement as there are no obligations to be sexually loyal.


Follow some rules inside the office

It is dangerous to cross those boundaries with co-workers, of course. There are laws that safeguard women from sexual exploitation in their workplace. But starting such relationship with a tentative approach, that too outside the workplace, preferably in any informal environment would be the ideal way to go about it. While laws prevent the bosses from seeking sexual favors, they do not have anything against consenting adults. It is, of course, nice to be honest at the outset stating that this is just a hooking up, and not a steady relationship. The sane man would be very wise indeed to let the other person know that there would be no future to this casual sex relationship, and either of the parties could terminate the relationship when they come across somebody whom they like.


Men tend to brag, and not every co-worker might be sexually satisfying. Being attractive is one thing, being sexually good is another. If the relationship does not work out well, it should not be discussed amongst other men or for that matter with other women. It is also good to let the lady know that it is not working instead of avoiding her.

Therefore, hooking up with a co-worker is not such a bad idea provided it is done with required precautions. People can also get lucky and find the right partner in the process. Hopefully, all such relationships move to the next level and the story has a happy ending for everybody.

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