Sunday 5 September 2010

Toni Wolff Biography

Toni Wolff Biography
ANTONIA WOLFF (1888-1953)

Anna Antonia (Toni) Wolff was a representative of Gauzy Psychology, founded the CG Jung as soon as his break with Sigmund Freud 1913th She was untrained in Zurich was the first of three daughters of a plush businessman Arnold Konrad Wolff and his husband Anna Elisabetha Sutz. Her family belonged to the Swiss Changed Cathedral and was one of the oldest and furthermost all-encompassing in Zurich. In arrears visiting the Lyceum wrote Toni Wolff in as an auditor at the Seminary of Zurich and heard a number of being of theology, philosophy and mythology.

What she fell as soon as the pasting of her sweetheart commencement in 1909 in depression, her blood relation sent her for treatment of CG Jung.This discerning exposed her talent and took them to the IPA Assembly in 1911 in Weimar. All the way through her analysis, which lasted until 1919, modern a love relationship with Toni Wolff and CG Jung. She became his pupil, event and official "second husband" next to Emma Jung. In the early 1930s, not as Toni Wolff to the chagrin of his position in alchemy, Jung expected, give to was an rupture with them, which intensified as soon as his interior concentrated effort in 1944, in the resources of intensified boys relationship with his husband.

Toni Wolff was 1916 in Zurich, one of the creation members of the Psychology Sure, the association of the train of CG Jung's Gauzy Psychology. From 1928 to 1945, she was standing self-supporting the club as supervise and was next club secretary and with honorary supervise.Toni Wolff published in Jung's indirect psychology launches next - she moved to the precursor of this speech of Gauzy Psychology - a work on the psychology of women on the raison d'?tre of Jungian typology. Not more than their involvement Jung coined the language "animus" and "anima" as "Icon."

Despite the fact that Toni Wolff, who was her life long chain smoker, in contemporary being suffered from disapproving arthritis, she took up with hastily near her pasting therapies. She died of a interior concentrated effort.


* Nibble to the basics of the indirect psychology. Berlin 1935
* The universe of the pattern in the indirect psychology and its relationship to international science. Berlin 1950
* Structural forms of the female psyche. Psychologist III, Craze 7 / 8, 1951, 303-315 [Structural forms of the feminine psyche. Zurich 1956]
* The cultural assess of indirect psychology. Festschrift for the 60th Jung's centenary 1935
* Studies of Jungian psychology. Zurich 1959, Einsiedeln 1981


* Literature AND Contacts
* Bair, Deirdre: CG Jung. A biography. Munich 2005
* Kirsch, Thomas Wolff, Antonia Anna, each familiar as Toni Wolff. In Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse (2002). Edited by A. de Mijolla. Paris, 2005, 1919f [ Multi-ethnic Word list of Testing (9.4.2008)]
* Wikipedia (9.4.2008)


* PHOTO: Land of your birth Annals Wolff, No. 11 of 2005 Bair biografien.html#Wolff

1 comment:

  1. The woman in the photo is not Toni Wolff.

    The woman in the photo is Sabina Spielrein.
