NO QUESTIONS: The worst thing a man can do is ask their girlfriend or wife if they are PMSing. This means you have noticed the attitude and don't really want to deal with it. This will only make that week worse for the both of you.
NO IGNORING: Don't ignore your girlfriend or wife when she is trying to talk to you. If she is trying to tell you something, it must be important. Walking away will make her think you don't care and probably make her cry.
DONT EXPECT ANYTHING: If you expect her to pleasure you, you are losing your mind. The last thing women want to do make you happy while they are cramping and bloated.
DONT POINT OUT FLAWS: A woman will already feel bad about how they look during this time of the month. When the man points out different zits and blemishes, the women will feel extremely self conscious and be even more angry.
CHOCOLATE: If you automatically keep chocolate around for these moments, she will probably be a lot nicer. Studies have shown that most women will have strong chocolate cravings during their period. If you keep a stash of chocolate or cookies or even ice cream, your girlfriend or wife will be a lot more tolerable.
MEDICATION: Keeping different cramping medication will let her know you care, at least a little. When a female has cramps, medication can be the difference between a happy girlfriend and an extremely mean girlfriend.
NO FIGHTING: Women are very emotional during their period. Anything and everything can make them tear up in an instant. To avoid that from happening, only talk about happy things. If you start a fight with a pmsing woman, you will be sorry because you will lose the fight.
WEIGHT: If you want to keep the relationship, don't bring up the fact that her butt looks big or she looks a little chubby. This is a surefire way to end your relationship almost instantly. Not only will this start a huge fight with your girlfriend, this will make her never want to see you again.
FOOD: Don't comment on the fattening food she eats. If your girlfriend usually eats healthy foods, she might pig out a little to fulfill her cravings. This means she will probably inhale a bag of chips or something else fattening. It would be smart to leave the subject alone for a while.
SPACE: Most women, who are going through their period, just want to curl up in a ball and be alone. If you are constantly bugging her for things or asking her questions, she might freak out on you. Leaving her alone for a few days will give her the space she needs.
Take these tips into consideration if you plan on keeping your relationship healthy. These tips will ensure your woman is happy and not cranky.
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