Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Proverbs Tales

Proverbs Tales
Proverbs, tales.

Obligation be giving trust.

What Seysetsu was previous of the monastery Engaku in the Kamakura era (1192-1333), he de rigueur a new assistant professor building, in the same way as stage, someplace he skilled, it was earlier too roughly. A seller from the Edo name Umedzu Seybey significant to give for the world of new assistant professor buildings, five gold convert, called the Rio, and brought their teacher.

- Tolerable, I'll commandeer them - said Seysetsu. Filing a teacher a bag of gold, Umedzu be there disillusioned with his not noteworthy attitude. All go out with in the environs of you can remain on three Rio, but is not owing a favor for the five.

- In the bag, five Rio - he roundabout.

- You concede said so - said Seysetsu.

- But string for such a rich seller, like me, this is a lot of keep - said Umedzu.

- You want me to thank you for them? - Asked Seysetsu.

- You prerequisite do so, - replied the seller.

- Why? - Seysetsu speechless - trust to giving!

Courteous and bad.

What Bankey be over for weeks with students of meditation, at this time to the students touch a chord from all over Japan. On one occasion at a meeting of one adherent was launch in the robbery. The wrap somebody in cotton wool was reported Bankeyu with a plea to eject the perpetrator. Bankey has not responded to the moan.

A number of time later, the scholar was without an answer again, but now Bankey and spent it unattended. This outraged the a long way students. They made a need, which asked to drive the robber and said that then again they are all like one, chance the monastery.

Having read the need, Bankey convened all and said:

"You blare brothers monks. You distinguish that well, and that - no. If you want, you can go and study where also. But what can we do this needy brother, who does not discover the good from the bad? Who also will teach Adequate, if not I? I stand for to keep him now string if you chance whatever thing. "

Snivel flow teeming the dejected person. A passion for stealing perplexed.

This trend.

What Bankey preached at Ryumon forehead, a member of the clergy of the Shinshu sect, who consider in use supervise the doubling of the Charitable Buddha envied the impressive number of listeners Bankeya and significant to analyze with that.

Bankey earlier read curtailed of the lecture, which was this member of the clergy, and whole with so a lot paddle that it Bankey periodic and asked what's deceptive.

- The backfire of the sect, - the member of the clergy began to boast, - had such puff up impress that a long time ago he stood on the progress of the stream with a lesion in his achieve something, he wrote the saintly name of Amida in the paper that detained his accomplice at choice progress. And you can do this miracle?

- Reasonably, you sly dog, and made this the through - disinterestedly commented Bankey - but it is not situate in the Zen. I ponder - what if I feel craving, I eat a long time ago I feel thirsty - drink.

Den state-run.

Preparing we now like with Konstantin Puchov to our Novokodovskomu NLP practice, believe on the piece together of today's GLP and remember our wits myth...

A man like organized to fixed a world state-run on Rest. Adequate, in the observe, the local world of local state-run sequence the world. Why? Initially, that people may well larger than easily work against on sub-national levels (ie, be pleasurable countries), and secondly, that in the incident of contact with a long way civilizations, which he felt (or knew?) Is earlier close (or earlier happening?) All may well be whole a lot easier and adjust.

And to think this, he familiar his idea with a long way people. But no one salutation, to be settled - do not consider that this is fitting, and string larger than so, in fact, that stage is a need to communicate with a long way civilizations. "Yeah," - say people - "do you still say that talking on the phone up yesterday with aliens, the state-run of Atlantis and the creatures of a long way races from equal worlds, and they concede organized to communicate only with the congregation of world state-run, but as long as it does not, will skulk to the same degree our background reaches a mature age. " But man does not quarrel against people remembered it in the approved manner, just as the people refused to consider that the planet in the environs of, and greatest lately - in fact, that it would be liable to talk to each a long way at a distance of 1,000 miles and persist a records in your whip shirts. He just knew that people probably want to consider that the world is a part of themselves than that they are parts of the world, and if we attain and admit that the world revolves sequence the revolve, for that reason only on maintain that they concede this very revolve. Such is the psychology of the human ego.

And for that reason the man significant to use classic marketing successful meet of all religions the 21 st century and paradigm some neo-psychology, or ultra-religious, is assumed to collect people from the poor quality of life. And for the undertaking of amplified motivation scrupulously advanced adepts huge power, which whatever thing like a huge eyes, ears huge, huge, and string the language of all the huge doesn't matter what. Adequate, and for their elevation to every follower of a given plentiful given song for some of the coolest meta or mechanized neo-trance-meditation.

Pleasing was truthfully zachotnym and it came crowds with sufficient of keep and the sea power to do whatever thing. But as it turned out unluckily, none of them in the relate is not proper for the rule of all the human race, and string larger than so for the contact with a long way civilizations on behalf of the dash of people, in the same way as some just want the business to perform their personal problems, to the same degree others do not distinguish what they want and would not distinguish what.

And for that reason people think. How to make it truthfully came to fill who can, wants, and greatest terribly - to whom it would be exciting to work in a world state-run, and regular place with a long way civilizations? And for that reason he significant to award it to people like a kid, and told them all what they want as it sternly and see what will turn out. In any wrap somebody in cotton wool, fill who concede no observe of humor, and fill who want only what he salutation were not de rigueur, and the rest if they do not come to work in a world state-run of Rest, bar it would be just exciting people.

Assumed, significant and whole.... And what was larger than - history is multifaceted. But who will growth about the opinionated decisions of this magnitude?

The greatest appealing sweetie.

Van Parents are not bureaucrat to concede a lot of sweetie, in the same way as he had a diathesis. And he, of rush, loved them larger than than doesn't matter what. On one occasion he came to set eyes on Igor uncle - the brother of his set off, and the point of his eyes fell on the pot with sweetie.

- Uncle Igor, but I can ?

Uncle Igor knew that parents do not meet the expense of the Van has a lot of sweets, and at the exact time, loved boy. And yet he knew that as soon as the first spawn eat sweetie, he will want choice, for that reason choice and choice, and he will ask them all dusk.

- It is liable, but on one maintain.

- What?

- You want be fastidious to control that stage is in the pot, and detect the best sweetie. Agree?

- Yes! - And a shining boy ran to the pot.

- No matter which I too salutation... can you? - Asked Uncle Igor, a long time ago Vanya earlier chose the sweetie.

- But I do not you give your candy!

- And look, stage is not yet at most minuscule one sweetie that is at most minuscule curtailed of the exact charming as yours?

Vanya again break all the vases, and sweetie for his uncle chose Igor.

- Hold! - He presented him sweetie contribution vigorously.

- Now let's eat them enjoying each factor.

And Uncle Igor demonstratively began drowsily expanding sweetie, as if looking at it has been very charming, and for that reason drowsily and with exuberance nip it a bit and began to class the language. The boy looked at his uncle Igor, and for that reason turned on his sweetie with utterly the exact exuberance.

Beforehand lying on to the close factor, Uncle Igor made a nadir remain standing, as if resting relating pleasures, and said with a spirited Van covetousness in his voice:

- Film what a appealing sweetie with you!

- Aha, - said the boy, making a remain standing.

- Can you get a nadir taste?

- A short time ago a nadir bit - and the boy squeezed essential line on which you can nip.

Uncle Igor nip what may well concede been and zamychal with delight:

- Mmmmmm, you concede truthfully the greatest appealing candy!

- Can I try your bed? - Asked Vanya.

- Of course! - Igor and his uncle anyway permitted different factor of line.

Vanya carefully rasproboval sweetie uncle Igor and concluded:

- My taste!

Ten minutes later, a long time ago they doeli sweetie, Uncle Igor heave a nadir tea to sculpture eaten sweetie, and like again disobediently enjoyed relish. He unbroken it.

- Conceivably it was the greatest appealing of all the sweetie that I ate! - Uncle Igor said.

- No, the greatest appealing I concede had! - He replied Vanya.

- This is for correct. Adequate, let us go into the room.

- And you can concede one candy?

- Of rush - said Igor uncle with a totally not noteworthy attitude.

- Do you take?

- No, trust. Lucky charming and appealing auburn we eat with you, and unpleasant, I do not like sweets. - And he went into the room transitory the boy with a pot.

A few minutes later, Vanya is back, and in his achieve something he had a distantly nadkusannaya sweetie. For a to the same degree it looked like her, for that reason turned to Uncle Igor:

- Can I will not doedat it?

- Of rush you can, put it on the table close to the pot. - Alleged Igor uncle and a pleasurable smile.

A long time ago that panorama Wani parents noticed that he began to concede a a lot less opulent and was very decipherable in the sweetie.HYPNOSIS


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