I really enjoyed the first in the series, BLOODY GOOD, but this one is even better. Alice and Peter are getting married and are only really peripheral in this story. This one is more Gloria, the were-fox, and her dilemma of wanting to help her village and what to do about her growing attraction to the manager of the 'secret' munitions plant on the hill. She knows something is going on with the new baker in town, something sinister, but who can she trust? Her romance with Andrew bounds along at a gallop, which I reckon is what happens in certain circumstances like war occurring on your home ground. The vampires in this one are as different as they can be in any story I've read in my much loved paranormal books. They are truly evil and truly helpful. I love this village of Brytewood, too. I'd like to find out what draws these Others to this particular place. I really look forward to the third book in the trilogy, BLOODY RIGHT, which looks to be about Gryffyth Pendragon, invalided out from the war against the Third Reich. There's still war to be fought at home.... Five excellent Other beans.....
Origin: pickup-for-girls.blogspot.com
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