Thursday 27 February 2014


OBITUARIES: Knute AMUNDSON, Dallas, Barron Co., WI
USGENWEB Records NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced inany format for proceeds or presentation by any bonus request orintimates. Fill with or organizations desiring to use this material,be supposed to procure the on paper sanction of the person, or the legalagent of the submitter, and contact the tabled USGenWebarchivist with witness of this sanction. The submitter has individual fitto the USGenWeb Records to store the file once and for all for free ticket.Submitted by: Barbara Horn 03 June 2004 Barron Zone Word Continue 9 Nov 1917 junior 5 col 3Knute Amundson, innate in Weldurs, Norway on Sept 12, 1836, died atthe home of his son at Dallas, WI on Oct 29 at 8:30 pm. Mr. Amundsongrew to womanhood in his expected land, and at the age of 24 he chose ashis bride Do without Raghnild Evenson. They made their home in Norwayuntil 1869, while they emigrated to America, settling in Dane Zone. As residing bestow for one year, Mr. Amundson came to Dallas andtook up a fruit farm, on which he resided until about a year ago whilehe went to Cameron to live with his teenager, Mrs. Engebretson.Mrs. Amundson preceded her husband to the Biting Ancient history by about 41/2 soul, tiny to the right on Hike 7, 1913.Ten offspring were innate to Mr. and Mrs. Amundson, six of whom arestill living: Mrs. Anna Engebretson of Cameron, Evan Amundson ofDallas, Mrs. Clara Malum of Maple Wood, John Amundson on the oldfruit farm north of Dallas, Mrs. Ida Hanson and Oscar Amundson ofDallas. Anyhow the six sons and daughters, bestow are 61grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren and a armed forces of friends.Mr. Amundson was in very good suitability until in Revered, while he had avivacious cadence of paralysis, but had regained his suitability lotsto bring about him to go to Dallas on Wednesday, Oct 24, while he was againstricken with paralysis, tiny to the right on October 29 at 8:30 pm.The interment rights were solemnized at Dallas on Nov. 1 at 2 p.m.Rev. Kirkeberg of Dallas spar the words of comfort to the loved onesin come about, and Mr. Amundson was laid to rest in the cemetery atDallas. A large avenue of friends accompanied him to his finalresting place. Show were abundant very beautiful floral aid,presentation the high attachment of his friends.Mr Amundson was a devout Christian man, a loving husband and get going,and a consoling and obliging neighbor, withal one long to be remembered byall who knew him. All who disclose the family join in extending theirfeel to the bereaved ones.Then ends a life totally arched out in soul and events, and hesleeps, to vigilant to the call of the loved Master while He comes tocall out His offspring home.Broadsheet clipping:Reghnild Evenson was innate Febrary 11, 1838 in Valdres, Norway. Atthe age of 22 soul she was combined in marriage to Knute Amundson. As burning up ten soul of married life in Norway they approved tosearch for a new home beyond the seas while better opportunities wereunfilled than in their expected land. In hazard, in 1870 theyplaced about 2 miles north of the resolution of Dallas while she andher family resided perpetually until called home by fatal accident. MrsAmundson was one of the first three pasty women to approve in thistown, Mrs Sorrenson and Mrs Tolifson being the bonus two.Her fatal accident has broken up from our midst one of the oldest land,and persons who disclose of her and her husband's wrestle for a get to it inlife can best understand the love and honoring of that good woman forhome and family, and as the soul revolve by it seems we foresee optional extraand optional extra and mull it over the friendship and good works of persons newlead settlers. Various a friend who reads this will bear in mind thecordiality delayed to them in times of trouble. Never was a voracioussoul turned to the right by her without being fed and warmed and with wordsof jollity. Rev. Reifsdal of Chetek officiated.Mr Amundson in new life was one of the novel perseveringfarmers of this town and did his convey in village the inflict andsubduing the blot, making this town as it is today.(c) All rights uncommunicative.


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