Monday 26 September 2011

Why Children With Autism Refuse To Make Eye Contact Understanding Autism A Clairvoyant View

Why Children With Autism Refuse To Make Eye Contact Understanding Autism A Clairvoyant View


"This information is offered for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as medical advice. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If your child, teen, or you have any health concerns, please consult your health care provider". "Names and other identifying facts have been changed. Any similarity to person's living or dead is purely coincidental"

The eyes are "the windows into the soul." When an adult avoids making eye contact, at that moment, he or she is often judged as "dishonest." An autistic child is different only in that his or her dishonesty is frequent and extreme.

Baby psychology and parent psychology are interconnected. The subconscious dimension is the truer and most influential dimension of our humanness. There is no understanding autism and the true causes of autism without understanding this key fact.

The autistic children that I have clairvoyantly read and reported about usually had a variety of reasons for not making eye contact with the people around them. The most basic reason was that they were being defiant. They were being dishonest and knew they were being defiant and did not want "the outside world" to see what they were truly thinking and feeling.

One might call this condition a "psychological disability," but, in truth, it was a subconscious and conscious, "willful defiance" of how the autistic children knew they should be. Many autistic children, if not all, felt guilty about their "autistic behaviors."

The children with autism whom I observed consciously knew that much of their behavior was wrong. Refusing to make eye contact was one of several favorite behaviors many opted to indulge-in.

Not to make eye contact was usually a conscious decision, unlike not speaking, which was mainly a subconsciously decided and a subconsciously orchestrated abnormality. Those mute children with autism consciously believed that they did not have the ability to speak. Their "inability" seemed due to totally subconscious choices.

The children with autism in my studies knew they had the ability to look into the eyes of another person and make eye contact. It was often difficult and emotionally painful and most did not understand why it was so difficult. Nonetheless, it was a conscious choice that they knew they were making.

Here are some experiences of the children and teens with autism who I clairvoyantly studied:

o "Oliver" would eye check a teacher when he sensed there might be a "perceived reward." He would not eye check other children because he thought if he did so there was something being said by each child during that eye contact. He did not want that kind of intimacy and believed that he could get away with more if he did not make eye contact.

o "Andria" was in much mental and emotional pain and felt isolated. She was trying to push through her resistance to making eye contact. However, that resistance was of her own subconscious making, nevertheless, she was consciously striving to push through and make eye contact when asked to do so. She wanted to cooperate, but it was extremely distressing for her.

o A teenager, "David," increasingly determined that he would not make eye contact. He certainly could because I saw him deliberately choosing not to do it. He did not want his parents and caretakers to see how he felt about them. He thought his life would be in jeopardy if they knew what he was thinking and feeling. In addition, he was hoping his perceptions about his parents were wrong, but he was right. What he was seeing about his parents' deepest thoughts and feelings about him were true as far as I could see.

o It was a tremendous emotional strain for a teenage girl to interact and make eye contact. It was also a physical strain because of her strong resistance to communicating being and present to her circumstances. When she attempted those things it became overwhelming, her skin actually felt raw and she experienced an intense physical pressure. The experience became a struggle between her conscious self and wanting to please her parents and caretakers, and her stronger subconscious decision not to be present to her situations.

o "Tommy" knew that he should make eye contact so he pretended to do that by not focusing his eyes and not actually looking at people.

Choices to avoid eye contact are essentially choices not to be honest, not to reach out, not to communicate, and not to give. They are selfish reactions. They are willful choices that the child does not have to make.

Making eye contact would be a great help to the autistic child's mental and emotional life and his or her entire inner world. When the child refuses to do this, he or she feels isolated with little sense of reality. If children with autism would make consistent choices to make eye contact, those choices could be the beginning of a path out of their reaction, isolation, and pain. []

Buy "Inner Profiles - Children & Teens with Autism" Jean Mastellone's groundbreaking book about hidden subconscious factors influencing autism. Instantly download the 320 page eBook for only 9.95 at

Be amazed by insightful, clairvoyant full-length readings by Jean Mastellone on autistic children and teens.

Jean details subconscious exchanges between autistic children and their parents long before a child acquires verbal communication skills.

Find out more about Jean Mastellone and her unusual seeing ability at

Article Source: Mastellone


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