Monday 26 September 2011

By Lucho

By Lucho
hey guys, i had a 6 1/2 years relationship that enden after we talked about getting married, she wanted to and me too after a month she left me and move in with her mom, i called her and ask her why and all she said was that she didnt wanted to be with mei was devastated and i did crazy things going out every day and nigth,drinking too mucho,etcafter all it had been almost 7 years and i was really hurt. after almost 2 months one of my friends showed me a picture of her kissing another guy well you can imagine what i felt i wanted to died, anyways i started to party harder and meet a lot of girls but they werent what i wanted, after 7-8 months had a motorcycle accident i had to move to Mexico, she found out that she had MSthen she found out about my accident and contacted me, at first i didnt wanted to talk to her and she gave me time then after almost a month i called her and when she answred she knew it was me and started to cry, shesked me what happened and told her (im now a c-5 quadraplegic)she promesed to stay in touch and she still does. after 1 year and 8 months since the accident and since we broked up with me i still think of her every day. she tells me that she will always love me no matter what,i do lover too

i stoped calling her and answering her messages, not because i dont lover but because i want her to be happy the cuestion is, should i tell her how i fell and that i want to be with her?

or let her go please comment on this any help woudld be appretiated



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