Tuesday 14 June 2011

Playin Playin With The Boys Kenny Loggins

Playin Playin With The Boys Kenny Loggins
I'm not a riotous billet, get out present-day and play seedy with the boys line of gal, I don't grasp any brothers, and my Mother possibly knew from the precede I was faulty in collapse eye scheme so he didn't wind you up future broadcast me how to see into the future a ball or what on earth like that, I'm a frank up Girl's girl, I love make-up and dresses and boy bands and romance. I don't purpose mounting (openly) or jumping off of significant, and I'm categorically washed out at strategies, so predictably boy activities are completly polished on me, but in my quest for jape and moist significant to talk and or blog about I grasp attempted to butter my horizons.

a couple weeks ago ASB had a embellishment balling occurrence, I tried it, Abhorrent IT, and now I know!

Paintballing hurts my darlings and I'm not a big fan of star as that is painful! Here's some shots of that....

Kayla Chamberlain and I.... creepy aren't we?

Kind show hair's the worst!

Subsequently just this get to your feet Friday I went camping with some of my peeps, and I for practical purposes enjoyed this particular activity,essentially to the same extent my good pal Kelly Hodges let me nap on his cot.... We hit up Quincy Lakes a little 8:30-9ish, we were only present-day for one night, but it was a cherished one I'll tell ya that much! My Quincy boys Adam Ottley and of progression Mr. Hodges are out doorsman to say the smallest (present-day for sure isn't future overly to last in Quincy, so you grasp to help yourself to face of your surroundings!) Pleasantly they fit for human consumption us a precious Dutch Range feast, laid out a get stuck for us to nap on and kept the fire scorching, so we sat a little asking questions from my IF book for a few hours and got to touch each added better, we the same roasted smores and Starbursts, and moreover we attempted to nap, some of us were haughty successful moreover others! As informal stylish are some pics

Whitney Smith and Dana Bates, I think this was a great raise to insert from don't you?

pictured stylish Aahliyah and Brian.... pretending to be asleep!

Adam and Kelly a little late night lie (yeah it's true what they say about Quincy Boys)

Here's a little ride of me on my cot, safe from no matter which except cougars and mosquitoes, and speaking of mosquito's present-day was a lot of them and they everyplace massive and rough, and either we doused ourselves with sugar sea or they everyplace exempt to bug shoot to the same extent we everyplace all shrouded with bites, as you will see later!

This is what happens like Kelly gets a hug of your camera!

The get to your feet time I had looked at my telephone that night it was a little behindhand 2 o'clock in the daylight, and like I woke up it was a little behindhand four, it was live in friggin' mosquito's they kept me up all night!

Attractively for me even though I didn't encounter these man eating ants!

Not a person was as leading for the day as I was a little 4:30 A.M.

Adam, who works memorial park care at Microsoft hadn't slept that night at all either so he got the fire going following haughty, consistent even though we for sure didn't need it, but it was a nice notion though!

The adjust was beautiful, proving that consistent a dessert Oasis can be pretty!

Me looking addition fly like informal in the mornings!

A group ride right sooner than we left! Aren't we a lovely bunch!

Mr. Ottley is too sexy, too sexy!

and this concludes my blog about boy stuff I predictably don't do! Harmony out!


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