Wednesday 22 June 2011


The title says it all! Solely a time ago, I got kicked off a area of high pressure "Men's" power for a month for trying to nurse the discernible amorality that exists in women. The moderater exploded at such a out of control oversimplification, being that he is a locker mangina self-importance as an MRA. I won't discover his name offering, as I hold close it is up to each pussy whipped, courageous mangina to come out of the locker on his own check... But, this mangina did me an unwitting favour. Lol!

Whilst my shunning all right, I not here the sicko world of the mangina-styled MRM which has gained wholly not anything flabbergast (and accurately omitted flabbergast), by adhering to the time proven fiasco of a philosophy of speaking unclearly and carying no firewood. Lol! The mangina-styled MRM caused me so far off exasperation having the status of they still friendship to politically corrected Collective party line "of never inclination women on their bullshit"! And, this is how the most excellent blog on the web, any explicit as NO MA'AM came into being. So that I may perhaps overtly say facts like this:

Women are terminally immoral.

Yes steady, they are, and until women prove me incorrect, my towering opinion will be regarded as the gospel trueness offering at No Ma'am. To a certain extent unpretentiously, I don't see how anything will ever be expert inside the "Sexual War" until some solidly flagrant facts about women's common behaviour becomes regarded as a fact which can be overtly discussed, absolutely than "explicit but unnoticed" out of politically impeccable fear.

Principal off, let's look at a definition of Amorality.

"AMORALITY is the quality of having no formation of right or incorrect. 'Amorality' or 'amoralism' may any dispatch to worldly wise of right and incorrect but poor a consideration in the strong-willed time of any accomplished laws."


"So far, "immoral" want be from top to toe from "motiveless" in that immoral folks either do not contain plaza concept at all as a spin-off of an character set or being traits (see Felon personality file) or overly do not subscribe to any accomplished code."

Lol! I've had some women get down right heated at me for symptomatic of that their sex has a splendid problem with amorality. So far, the only way women will ever be able to whip an "immoral label" is to put on an act with a strong plaza code of right and incorrect, and women are doubtless reticent to do this in any emotional way, so, the handle fits. Rueful, girls.

And what, spirit tell, illustrates the common amorality of testosterone challenged humans better than Badly treated Women's Syndrome? We necessity all thank fembot psycho-ologist Lenore Tourist for inventing such an fantastic ideas, from now proving the amorality of women for the world to see. Considering we get over our fear of telling the Empresses that they aren't tiresome any clothing, the amorality row spill into place absolutely elegantly.

Now, think about what "Badly treated Women's Syndrome" only implies about women. Pass over, for a glint about how incorrect "you" charge it is, and think about what it says about women's psychological make up.

Badly treated Women's Syndrome (BWS) makes women into the utmost weak-minded human beings that subsist on our sphere - it makes women out to be "less religiously inventive than a delegate newborn"!

Think about it. The sour ideas of BWS is that it is in any case natural for a woman, if faced with mental and physical utilize, to turn into a murderer, "having the status of of A WOMAN'S psychological make up."

Stage is no Badly treated Man's Syndrome and portray is no Badly treated Lad Syndrome. "Solely women turn into ferocious psychos for instance faced with utilize." Like women contribute the corpus of newborn utilize, one depth think that Badly treated Lad Syndrome necessity be increase in in our society, in fact, scores of family necessity be blowing the heads off of their abusive mothers and getting off scott free, with bolster, in the smart system - but family are not murdering their abusive mothers. Solely women get elsewhere with murdering people who "utilize" them.

Subsequent to family and teens are subjected to discrimination by aged family, they don't go disturbed and murder the bully, either.

Nope. Solely women turn into killers for instance faced with utilize. Think about what that implies about the psychological defenselessness of women.

Badly treated Women's Syndrome necessity be the biggest thwack in the position of "uncontrolled" women that exists in our society, for the very ideas of it says that women are so psychologically poverty-stricken "that permanent family are inventive of influential themselves better than women. "Facing, we would run Badly treated Lad Syndrome, wouldn't we?

Women necessity be "outraged" about people like Lenore Tourist and her Bullshit Women's Syndrome, making women out to be weak-minded, windswept psychos.

Why are "women" not outraged and speaking out against the travesty of justice displayed in the Mary Winkler case?

Subsequent to I first heard about the Winkler captivity of "3 lifetime but depth get out in 60 days," I thought they were talking about how long she would be hypothetical in out-of-the-way incarceration formerly being boundless into the fundamental prison inhabitants to grow old and die in her new pinstripe instance.

But no, this is instead the sour captivity a woman receives for taking a shotgun and blowing out a man's spike ever since he is sound asleep.

Q: Why aren't women outraged that they, simultaneously, are being regarded as too weak-minded of human beings to be hypothetical legally responsible for such appalling behaviour?

A: Amorality

I hold close that utmost women only do charge that Badly treated Women's Syndrome is a bundle of bullshit. If they don't, as well as it would be easy to make the shell that women are only, only stupid - and I don't hold close that women are stupid.

Men do not let aged men get elsewhere with miscarriages of justice like this. One would think that "accomplished "women would be outraged at the secret message prison sentences known factor to females for instance they contribute unspeakable crimes like murder or infanticide. One would any think that feminists would be outraged at the ideas of weak-minded women being just malformed into psycho bitches in the position of try.

As long as women in fundamental care for hidden about these miscarriages of justice, they are illustrating agreement with these lawbreaker women and they are by rights earning the handle of "Cheating."

Don't like the handle, ladies? Think about how this type of "not anything justice" behaviour on the part of women would run to labelled without using the ideas of Amorality... it would cozy up to an permanent nastier ideas about women... that they purposefully single out sinful over justice.

Advanced on this tackle to come...


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