Friday, 8 April 2011

The Iac To Acquire Eharmony

The Iac To Acquire Eharmony
Heeyyyyyyyyy, a tiny birdie had come to my sheet of glass this summer start today in my South American home and said:

".... persist November Blatt contacted Verba in order to succeed all eharmony's properties. Blatt obtainable 500 million but Verba acceptable 1 billion. Eharmony Japan was aborted. Verba and Blatt are now talking again. "

Blatt is Mr. Gregory Blatt, IAC's CEO (InterActive Steady. NASDAQ: IACI)

Verba is Mr. Jeremy Verba, eHarmony Inc.'s CEO.

Is it true: the IAC (Add, Chemistry and others) to succeed eHarmony Inc.? Who knows?

When some era ago uncommon old birdie had told me:

"Online dating is about selling forthcoming, satisfying unaffected sex-based exposure and protection as many of the creeps out of women's inboxes as secular....... eHarmony makes over 150 million a engagement and their ad lay out is on aspiration in but of buyer grip mission...... Add is demolishing eHarmony and everyone moreover and has uncommon few acquisitions in the whistle..... Of rule many dating sites are in it for the money and don't care about members. Every one dating site is serious of this to some degree. Its a fixed, not a charm. Indefensible at times, its the nature of the industry and thats never leaving to change."



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