Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The June 7Th Leadership Development Carnival

The June 7Th Leadership Development Carnival
Welcome to THE JUNE 7TH, 2009 EDITION OF THE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CARNIVAL! No theme this month, just a better than ever collection of leadership and leadership development posts from some of the best experts in the field. The "carnies" really delivered this month.There's over 30 posts to learn from, so here's a suggestion. Take out a pad (or whatever electronic gadget you use to take notes these days) - and start clicking. Start at the top and work your way down the list. If one of them catches your interest, read it. If there's a key "to do" to take away, jot it down on your pad. Get thorough as many as you can, perhaps coming back for a second or third visit.When you're done, you'll have a customized page full of ideas and tips for becoming a better leader! Circle the ones you're really motivated to commit to, and keep your list in a handy place for at least 90 days, taking it out now and then to remind yourself and check progress. Even better if your review it with a trusted peer, manager, friend, or coach.OK, so much for my coaching advice. Here's the good stuff:When a good friend had a bad day, I realized that leadership is a choice. When I choose to put on my leader clothes, our group runs more smoothly:Becky Robinson presents Put On Your Leader Clothes posted at Mountain State University LeaderTalk.Wally Bock says that Warren Bennis' distinctions between leaders and managers may be the most pernicious and damaging bit of nonsense published in his lifetime: Wally Bock presents More leaders v managers nonsense posted at Three Star Leadership Blog.A poem to look at organization re-organization from an employee perspective: David Zinger presents http://www.davidzinger.com/wednesdaywork-poemsthe-re-org-2884/ posted at Employee Engagement Zingers.Sometimes, the truth is a pig: Jason Seiden presents Do you want the truth, or do you pretend you want the truth? posted at Next Generation Talent Development.What we learn from failure defines who we are. Whether it be Abraham Lincoln failing to win multiple elections or my daughter failing to win her middle school campaign, how we respond to our setbacks is what defines our character: Tom Magness presents Dealing with Failure posted at Leader Business.Michael D. Haberman, SPHR presents Employee Attitude or Management Attitude? Or Both? posted at HR Observations.Alice Snell presents Executive Views: Talent in Tough Times posted at Taleo Blog - Talent Management Solutions.David Wentworth presents Conducting Layoffs? Don't Communicate So Much - i4cp posted at Productivity Blog.A new twist for an innovation wiki that sweeps away silos, both horizontal and vertical: Miki Saxon presents Ducks In A Row: Smashing Horizontal (And Vertical) Silos posted at Leadership Turn.Comments from Jeffrey Pfeffer's book, "What Were They Thinking: Nick McCormick presents Stop Making Excuses posted at Joe and Wanda on Management.Social media is allowing consumers to put the quality of company management under the microscope: Sharlyn Lauby presents Transparency Training posted at HR Bartender.As you will see BW is better the more input we get from as many people as possible so the more input from as diverse a group as possible, the better: Bill Matthies presents Management: How Much? posted at Business Wisdom: Words to Manage By.Mark Stelzner presents 5 Surefire Ways to Piss Off HR posted at Inflexion Point.It has long been presumed that the CEO is so key to an organization as to be, effectively, vital to its very functioning. Indeed, many highly regarded observers have strongly made the case that not only is a singular individual leader essential to the success of an organization, but that there is hardly any point in the organization's existence except as a mechanism for amplifying and expressing that leadership: Jim Stroup presents Institutionalizing individuals posted at Managing Leadership.Scott Eblin presents Build Your Network with Questions posted at Next Level Blog.Avoiding unionization under potential new EFCA rules isn't rocket science, it's as old as human desires: Miki Saxon presents The Best Anti-Union Medicine: A Happy Workforce posted at MAPping Company Success.Do you, as a manager, have a good track record of retaining high potential / high performing employees? How can we find a good way to measure this as a talent metric? Justin Field presents Are you a talent magnet? posted at TalentedApps.As leaders our influence extends far beyond the casual employee-employer relationship. It is multi-faceted. Understanding some of the nuances of the leadership contract can keep us all ahead of the curve: Nina Simosko presents Understanding the Leadership Contract posted at NinaSimosko.com.Leadership is the act of making others effective in achieving an aim: John Hunter presents Leadership posted at Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog.Leadership development is not all about teaching people new things: Tamara Kelly presents 3 Paths to Development posted at The Effective Leadership Development Community.Mike King presents 8 Steps for Acting on Inspiration posted at Learn This.Loraine Antrim presents CEO Speak: What if God Texted the Ten Commandments?, posted at The CXO Mindset.The current trend seems to be discrediting management books with claims that the research was poorly done and that their advice is useless. This post counters this perspective making the case that management and success books have value and need to be used with wisdom as part of a broader planning perspective: Craig Angus presents Is it Time to Sell My Management Books? posted at shiftack.True personal growth requires first, that you, not others or circumstances, be the leader of self and actions. Without this, your direction may be easily skewed causing your road to become circuitous and confusing. Self awareness is the key to becoming the CEO of YOU because in that respect, you are able to not only see yourself as you are now but also use your imagination to project YOU the way you want to be: Dean L. Forbes presents Dean L. Forbes: Become the CEO of YOU posted at Dean L. Forbes.Which group is better-equipped for the tough times, MBAs or entrepreneurs? Dana presents Battling it Out During Tough Times: MBAs vs. Entrepreneurs posted at Investoralist.You might enjoy a turn on the slots in Vegas, or possibly a flutter on the Kentucky Derby. Then again, you may totally object to gambling based on ethical or religious grounds. Would you gamble with your retirement fund? Or your home? Or on the livelihood of your family and kids? The answer is likely to be a resolute NO. Simon Stapleton presents Don't Gamble On Your Performance Review posted at ACE Your Performance Review.Discover the formula for success from successful and established men and women of business. The secrets to success when starting a business: Brian Maxwell presents Secrets of Success by Established Men and Women of Business posted at Live Your Life With Prosperity and Abundance.Shawn M. Driscoll presents 5 Reasons You Keep Getting Stuck posted at Shawn Driscoll.This small post emphasises importance of being positive to become and remain a respectable manager/leader: Tanmay Vora presents Positive Project Management and Being Respectable posted at QAspire - Quality, Management, Leadership & Life!.GeekMBA360 presents Too many managers, too few leaders posted at GeekMBA360.The people doing the guiding are generally called coaches and mentors. The two roles are similar in some ways but in fact are very different. Before attempting this role laden with responsibility it is important to understand the difference between coaching and mentoring and to find out what is best for your relationship with your potential followers: Great Management Tips presents Whats the Difference Between Coaching And Mentoring? posted at Great Management Tips.Every company has an hierarchy. It goes without saying that people are hired throughout the hierarchy on a regular basis. There are various positions in the hierarchy that are quite critical to the company. One of these positions is the key position of a Team Leader. Therefore, the interview for the position of a team leader is quite important in the company's eyes, as the person who they intend to hire for the post will have a lot of responsibilities: nissim ziv presents Team leader: interview questions for a Team Leader posted at Job Interview Guide.Do you make it a point to attend conferences in fields you're interested in? Are you aware of the incredible wellspring of experiential information you will get from attending a conference? Do you want to meet other people with similar goals and interests? Go to conferences I tell you! Make a point to go to at least one conference per year, and more if you're able: Erin Pavlina presents The Value of Attending Conferences posted at Erin Pavlina's Blog.That's it! The next Leadership Development Carnival will be hosted right here on July 5th.


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