Hell make a good hunting dog if he keeps at it.
When you first start out, it may seem awkward to do things like hold your drink at your side instead of in front of you. Once you've done it for a while though, it becomes second nature. You're no longer acting out of character because it IS your character now. Everything you do and everything you experience in life helps to shape you into the person you are now. Chances are, you aren't the same person you were in highschool. This doesn't mean you aren't being yourself. You're just a different version of yourself. Whether that's an improvement or not is up to you.
Say you're the worst public speaker in the world. You're lacking confidence and extremely introverted. You decide to join Toastmasters and go to the weekly meetings, giving speeches to become better. You're acting out of character because before, you wouldn't be caught dead speaking in front of other people. It's uncomfortable for you but over time, you get better. It becomes second nature. Now you're swelling with confidence and you routinely get up in front of large groups to give toasts. You're a changed person and it's for the better.
Game is the same way. Starting off with scripted routines and lines is uncomfortable. This isn't you. Most game denialists are those who've never tried game or never stuck with it long enough to "make it". They speak out of ignorance. Saying game doesn't work is like saying Kung-Fu doesn't work because you never made it past white belt.
For those who are learning game, keep at it. In time it will become who you are.
Source: japan-pickup-scene.blogspot.com
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