Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Conscious And Unconscious Processes How Change Is Made

The Conscious And Unconscious Processes How Change Is Made
In this post I will aim to offer you an understanding of how the conscious and unconscious mind collaborate, process, and create you, your thoughts and feelings. More than that though, your achievements.

The conscious and unconscious processes are the basis of most forms of psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy. When you hear people talking about the conscious mind, were often lead to understand that the person is referring to the present, or current state of awareness. The amount of information that the conscious mind can hold is generally, quite limited: it's been concluded that the conscious mind can deal with 7+ or -2 chunks of information at any one time. However, this magic number is considerably diminished if a person is dealing with large amounts of stress or overload.

Relative to the total amount of conscious awareness, the unconscious awareness devours it in its capability. There is a continuous dance between the conscious and unconscious minds and its subsequent processes, and an interaction that goes on seamlessly and largely out of a person's control and awareness.


If you think about the conscious mind, as it narrowly focuses in on a certain area of awareness which is directed by our immediate thoughts and what we think to be important at that time. It could almost be described as a beam of light within a large room, It's directed and focused. If you imagine that beam of light in a darkened room up against the wall, you would simply get a small area that is bright and clear, while the rest of the room remains in darkness. By changing the direction of the light, different areas of the room would begin to light up and then and parts that could be seen, can no longer. It is easy for a person's attention to simply focus on what they can see in front of them, and what is clear at that present moment and to think that's all there is. It is only when you begin to move your attention, (your flashlight) that you begin to discover all there is around you. Whatever you think you are, or whatever you think you're capable of, you're always much more than that. It's simply a matter of shifting your attention and opening up to what is around you.


So then, if your conscious mind represents what you are currently aware of, then your unconscious mind represents everything else around you. However, just because we've applied the term " mind" to these two very complex processes it causes a very interesting phenomenon to occur. The word "Mind" is what's known as a normalisation. This means that the fluid like system of sensory awareness has been turned into something static, " a mind". A mind is not something you can hold, a mind is not something that you can see, however we would all agree that we have one! it's a seamless mind, conscious and unconscious. The unconscious functions of your mind are if you like " mind-boggling". your heart rate, perspiring rate, hair growth, allergies, phobias, automatic functions such as blushing etc are all dealt with and millions of things more by your unconscious mind, unconsciously!


Depending upon which can expert you use as a reference point, it has been said that your nervous system is possibly receiving up to 2,000,000 pieces of information per second. Obviously, nearly all of this information is completely outside of your conscious awareness. And to add to this, everything you've ever seen, felt, heard, smelt and tasted is recorded in some way within your unconscious mind. Dr Erickson elaborated on the "storehouse" of information, a collection of all of the information that is ever passed by you, stored away until you ever require it. It's this storehouse that can become the necessary resources we need in times of challenge.

All of your memories, beliefs, values and identities gets stored away after they'd been through your filters which, generalise, delete and distort the information as it is delivered to us.


Hypnosis, NLP has been so effective over the years at allowing people to overcome obstacles and achieving remarkable things because of their ability to access the persons lifetimes resources. It's a well-known presupposition within NLP that states "People already have all the resources they need!" showing a person how to access the resources can be the most fulfilling thing, creating change in your own life is extremely empowering, and thanks the way that your unconscious mind processes and stores all of the interactions around you on a daily basis, this gives you the resources that you require to create change and amaze yourself.

The post The Conscious and Unconscious Processes how Change is Made appeared first on Michael Sweet.


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