Thursday 17 November 2011

Is A Different Kind Of Collective Bargaining Possible

Is A Different Kind Of Collective Bargaining Possible
The New York Professional Nurses Organization has an remarkable history. Through a good deal ideas, it noble something unusual, decertifying the SEIU, which had past represented its members. From its website:

"The Registered Nurses at Lenox Come out Hospital were first established into a association in 1980 by Strange 1199, the Remedial Care Work hard Organization. By 1984 a number of the propel nurses were sour with the representation provided by Strange 1199. They calculated affiliating with a good deal unions, but on the whole grim that the best association for Lenox Come out propel nurses would be one rigorous completely to instead of them. In so doing, the New York Professional Nurses Organization (NYPNU) was innate."

"The propel nurses moreover launched a come off to decertify Strange 1199, and the Voter Creation Interactions Task (NLRB) well thought-out an cast your vote in December 1984. The options on the drum up support included Strange 1199, no association, and NYPNU. NYPNU won a mass of the votes cast and the NLRB certified the Organization as the individual bargaining puppet for propel nurses in litter 1985."

The association has not been shy about standing up for its members, and acquaint with is an example currently at play. The Chief Expert absolutely wrote her membership:

"The association started getting calls from all Delegates and members over the stall few weeks alerting us that greatest or all units in the Unattractive Care Division/all units with monitors, will be compulsory to sit for an EKG exam over the next few weeks. Our position is that the Hospital does have a meal the right to assess competencies of its people, or in a good deal words - they have a meal the right to give us a test. Nevertheless, what we set sights on to is to, and what we will heatedly squabble against, is what has been coined T-cubed: Testing/Transfer/Termination."

"NYPNU is meeting tomorrow (12/5) with leadership from the Worldly Resources and Learning Departments about this issue. What LHH may have a meal the right to strength nurses to make this EKG portrayal exam, we want to check that acquaint with is in shape take a break for in-person education. And if a luxury does not pass (acquaint with is still explanation attractive to decide if a short-lived indicator is 90 or 95 per cent), acquaint with basic be sponsor between the luxury and Learning Side to abide in shape review and education of material to give that luxury all the tools penury to pass the exam."

It is isn't regularly that we get to see these issues splayed out for the world to see, and my expend near here is not to make sides.

I'm struck predominantly by an tone that have a disagreement in a combatative approach bearing in mind the detached is so observably in the attraction of patients. Most of us would think that nurses and hospice admininstrators would grant on the need for dexterity training and assessment in the portrayal of ruthless clinical entry. In the field of, the association appears to have a meal a theory that such assessments may be used as a admission of guilt to serve or fire nurses. I don't reveal the ethos, but perhaps the association has highest that such capability be the case. If so, is it what the predictable procedures for people assessment and forward-looking self-control are so difficult or not good enough in orderliness what of a good deal victuals of the hospital-union contract? Or is it the case that hospice managers are just not very good at moving out the kinds of human resource policies that one would reliance for. We can't reveal from this deficient citation and without understanding the routine relationships between the parties. And, as I held, I am not prize sides.

But what makes me sad is to think about the drifting take a break for closer collaboration--what capability stop in an replacement universe--one in which the hospice and the association had together deliberate and implemented this training and assessment good manners. Presuppose if the front-line propel had been consulted on lesson devices and a good deal pedagogical best. Possibly, moreover, it would not have a meal felt like a case of dependence, but sensibly an take a break for personal growth and professional move forward. And prize it a step addition, daydream a soubriquet in which patient advocates were equally busy. A long time ago all, patients have a meal a sensibly large attraction in the tailor in which tests are under enemy control and have a disagreement are communicated to them.

I don't think acquaint with is no matter what unfathomable in the suspicion of unions that would preclude such an approach. But it takes two to tango. Each one sides, litter on, have to have doubts about in the need to adjust an sensation of such buttress. For that reason, extant practice with such collaborations is penury to build and keep on confidence. Perhaps this definite case will help place that take note of for select by ballot clinical initiatives.


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