Wednesday 19 October 2011

Pre Suppositions

Pre Suppositions
Learn to speak in such a way that everything you want to subject to do is pre-supposed. Another words, they have to accept what you are saying and the basic fundamental principles ofwhat you are saying is true, just to make sense of your sentences. It ebmmates resistance ineverything that you do. It installs suggestions very profoundly into the minds of your listener.It creates a deeper sense of rapport and easier abiity for them to follow along with you.To make sense, or answer the question, they must agree to the hidden assumption."Is the awareness of the Magic of these patterns starting to sink in? "Are you starting to experience the satisfaction of working with me will bring to you as Idescribe my service. "Rapport and pre-suppositions is the staple to persuasion techniques. The reason that these twoparticular methods are so effective at high levels of sophistication is that no one can telI you aredoing it. It is not discernable. Even people with a moderate training in this, cannot tell you aredoing it. Because people, you, already use the words in your own vocabulary. You will nowsimply use them effectively and more frequently.Basic we-suppositions:'Where would you like to go for coffee?'P-S: Your date wants coffee."Is there a particular movie that you have been wanting to go see?"P-S: Your date has been thinking about movies."Do you always use a condom?'P-S: You have sex."I've got some great Kermy G CDs at home. Do you like listening to Kenny G by the fire?"P-S: If your date says yes, you assume you are going to get lucky."Are you safe?"P-S: We are going to have sex if you say "yes."Advanced me-swmositions:"Can you imagine the rich smell of fresh coffee right now? If you were to choose a place to goright now, where would that be?"DO you ever feed yourself thinking about a movie over and over inside your head? As youthink about all the movies that we could go see, which particular one really excites you?Magic words that enhance state elicitation and support presuppositions.This section has so much power packed information, that if you just mastered this one part,you would experience such a significant leap in your persuasion abilities, you would considerthis training entirely worth while. Even if this is all you remember. This is that powerful.You will begin to use these words in the midst of phrases in your normal sentences. The use ofthese words will increase your persuasion power ten fold.The eighteen Magic words are grouped into six sections. 'In each section, the category name inlisted to the right. There are many other words in each category, the ones listed are what Iconsider to be some of the most powerful and persuasive.Use any combination of the words to make complete sentences.Matic Phrases make an ordinarv statement extraordinary.With Magic Phrases: "Before you begin to expand your knowledge of persuasion, you willbecome aware of how naturally these Magic phrases become part of your daily speech."Without Magic Phrases: "Your knowledge will grow. These phrases will become part of yourlanguage."Remember: You have always been using these techniques, however, before you haven't beenaware of when, where, and what outcome you were getting. In other words, be careful to notuse these in the wrong situations to persuade someone in the wrong direction.BEWARE of the wrong wav to use the Matic Phrases.If a restaurant customer were to say to you 'The meal was below average."Then you said, "Obviously, you am noticing the poor quality of the food tonight. Naturally,when we have a substitute cook and leftover vegetables, the quality of the food sufferstremendously. At least you didn't notice the slow service!"Notice your feelings and conort level now. Better or worse. If you weren't urkomfortable you probably are beginning to feel that way now. These word patterns always work They will work to your advantage or against your advantage. It is up to you. Suggested reading (free books):Tyler Durden - Ev QuestionsCr James - PerceptionsKeywords: young woman know seduce sexy change start steps techniques time the pick up artist going selling pick women 2000



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