Saturday 23 July 2011

Why Being Pua Can Be Very Bad For A Guy

Why Being Pua Can Be Very Bad For A Guy
Pick up Artist, ahh sounds so glamorous, so attractive, so seducing. " I can get all the girls i want" one will shout from the roof tops. Yet, it is often forgotten that getting laid is not equivalent to having fun. The poing of meeting women is to enjoying interaction and see if you guys click, yet the more i see guys who do to much pua materials, the less is see it as the case, the more it scares me to where this is heading. They ask about routines, about techniques, often times not related at all to their personality.

Here is a post i got from one of my Wingmen group members to whom i have stated that having routines are not healthy and can damage person in a long run.

I was being somewhat disingenuous when I said day game is

simply about lowering energy levels. Yes, that's one part of

it, but converting the structure and tactics of night game to

day game is simple (presupposing one understands the

underlining implications of the tactics/structure
). For

example, I find the best opener in day game is what I call the

"joint conspiracy" opener. That's when I'll try to establish

some "us v. them" dynamic with me and the girl. For example,

sometimes in Grand Central I'll open by telling some girl to

push through the crowd for me. If she laughs (usually they do),

I'll go on to tell her how she can be my new bodyguard blah

blah. For me, it's all related to frames and "roles". This is

true of any PU situation, but especially in day game. In every

social situation, people are quickly looking to put people in a

"role" and treat them accordingly. In a bar situation, if a

girl senses a guy's trying to pick her up off the opener, she

immediately flips on her "bitch" role to blow him out. Applying

this to day game, I'm trying to sidestep the girl placing me in

a "role" such as the "creepy guy", "guy trying to sell

", "guy trying to pick up girls", etc. In fact, I

think the most important thing about opening and getting

attraction in day game is simply offering value (i.e. humor,

making her smile, being interesting
) and making her unsure

where the interaction is headed and what "role" she should put

you in. There's much more to my day game theory, but this is

what I've found works for me and I've had a lot of success in

day game.

Finally, re: routines, I whole-heartedly disagree. Every guy

I've met who relies on "natural game" gets very inconstant

results. I agree that creating a fun vibe is key, which is

exactly why routines work. When I say "routine" I'm not

referring to "the best friend test" or something someone else

wrote; I'm referring to stories and role plays that I wrote for

myself that quickly convey my personality and values. I find

even guys who claim they rely on "natural game" repeat a lot of

the same lines and stories (but, since they made those lines

and stories up, they don't feel they're using "routines"
). Even

AFCs rely on routines with the whole, "Hi, what's your name?

Where are you from
" approach. In my opinion, everything's

scripted so it's better to be running off a script you KNOW is

effective and gives value rather than try to piece it together

on the spot.

Here is my answer to his post.



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