Friday 1 July 2011

Information On Self Hypnosis

Information On Self Hypnosis
Self Hypnosis has been used for many decade as a treatment for many problems and issues that people have on a daily basis. Its applications are really wide and can be helpful for areas such as the weight loss, the smoking, the self confidence, the public speaking fear and many others.

The first thing you need to understand about hypnosis is that it's not a process that is effective if you don't believe in it. I could spend all day trying to hypnotize you and to help you achieve some type of result you want, but if you don't trust me or the process it's not going to work.

Our habits and beliefs are stored in our unconscious mind and some of them are really in depth. Therefore, if we want to change some of them we can't do it by simply choosing or wanting it at a conscious level. Something must be changed in the subconscious, whether through affirmations, meditation or self hypnosis. If you don't understand this process, there is no 'new year's eve goal' that is going to be achieved.

Our willpower is the scarcest resource at our disposal. Moreover it get consumed pretty quickly by internal frictions and thoughts. It's no surprise then that people who choose to rely only on that is destined to fail. I used to do the same, so I out myself into that list for sure. It's when I discovered the powers of self hypnosis that the game changed.

So in order to self hypnotize yourself, the first step is to relax. And by that I don't mean simply sit down. You need to consciously let go of all the thoughts and problems, take a very deep breath and relax all muscles.

Once you are there, you need to repeat yourself some sentences, in form of affirmation that you have previously written down and memorized. In that relaxed state, the subconscious is more receptive and it will get all what you put into it. Of course there are some rules for the scripts to be. The most important one is that they need to be in the positive and in the present form.

Another thing many people overlook is the visualization process that can go along with the affirmations. If you visualize your outcome, while you repeat it to your subconscious mind, the chances of success increase dramatically.

It's crucial that while you do your self hypnosis sessions you feel also what it is that you want. You need to think as if you were already experiencing the desired outcome. It's not easy at first and requires practice. However, the more you do it the better you'll become at it.

Self hypnosis won't change things overnight. However, if done properly for few days and weeks can bring incredible results. You can get rid of bad habits such as smoking, binge eating, fingernail eating, fear of public speaking, shyness just to name a few.

So go ahead and learn more about this process. I bet that you see incredible results.

Andrew Grey is a Self Hypnosis expert. For more great self hypnosis information visit


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