Saturday 9 July 2011

How To Use Colours To Strengthen The Love In Your Relationship

How To Use Colours To Strengthen The Love In Your Relationship
Do you know that COLOURSare very powerful? Yes, they are very powerful and can be very useful in any LOVE RELATIONSHIP and even marriage; the truth is that your partner is in LOVEwith one COLOUR or the other and if you know how to use COLOURScoupled with some ROMANTIC TRICKS, you can always win your partner's heart. Everyone has one favourite colour or colours; it is now left for you to find out your partner's favourite colour. Your partner's favourite colour is that colour that melts down his or her hearts whenever he or she is in bad mood. Let look at what your partner's favourites colours can do for you as you drive further to build a stronger love and connection in your relationship;COLOUR ENHANCES FORGIVENESS: do you know this? I'm yet to see what enhances forgiveness like colour. Colour appeals our inner most being and can make us do what we never planned doing. Well, if you make your partner angry and your partner is finding it hard to forgive you why not try using his or her favourite colour to wrap up a gift and write on it 'I'm so sorry my love'. That will surely help. Your partner does not have power over how he or she reacts whenever your partner sees his or best colour. Try it and feed me back.COLOUR RESTORES LOST OR DYING LOVE: this is absolutely truth; love can be restored by the presence of colour. Have you ever tried decorating your house or room with your partner's favourite colours? Take note that you have to do them when your partner is not expecting them. Colours can provoke your partner to love you again. As I said initially, no one has power over how he or she should react when the person sees his or her favourite colour, it's part of natural reactions. This can work very well in marriages especially those with weakened love. This can work wonders when it comes to ladies. Most of them love pink. Try decorating your woman's bedroom with her favourite colour and tell me what happened next. Read up you desperately need this relationship adviceCOLOUR CAN BRING BACK HAPPINESS. Well, for me, whenever I see my favourite colours, I find myself being very happy. My favourite colour is white and my Love normally calls me her "Angel" whenever I wear anything with white. I try not to be angry because of my colour. Are you wondering why? Well, I can't help it, you also can't, and that is the nature of things. Go and make good use of your partner's favourite colour(s). When you buy gifts for your partner, try and search for it under your partner's colour, this will definitely make him/her very happy.COLOUR CAN HELP YOU WIN SOMEONE'S LOVE COMPLETELY; if you know how to use this, I tell you the truth, it works wonders. You can win a woman's love if you can apply some special movements using her colour. She may start to consider you serious or fall for you completely. Try it and also feed me back and also check out how to love a woman, and how to love your manCOLOUR is another factor that enhances love and assures stronger relationship, read up lack of communication in relationship to another factor and also read ways to build strong relationship. If you love your partner enough, you should pay attention to colours that matters to him/her. This will make your partner to see you as someone who cares and wants his/her happiness. ANY RELATIONSHIP without something such as this will not experience full joy. My ADVICE to LOVERS is that they should try and learn how to experiment with those COLOURS that appeal to their partners so as to STRENGTHEN THE LOVE IN THE RELATIONSHIP. What is your favourite colour?very popular related postssigns of true love how to avoid cheating on your partner how to increase her love for you building the necessary understanding in relationship



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