There are several single people out there that are getting ready for their first date with a new person. This is a time of nerves and unease as most people are often searching for the greatest first date idea. They want something that is original, yet they also want this to be lighthearted. Many of these people have only met each other through their online dating service profile, thus this first date is one that is a time to get to know one another. Most times than not, these single people are looking for first dates that are going to be safe. Meaning that they are not going to be too romantic and they will still allow for some friendly chatting. Thus taking someone to a metal rock band concert is not really that appropriate for your first date. Here are some tried and true ways to get your relationship off to a great start. 1- LOCAL FAIR/FESTIVAL There are tons of people that these types of events, yet they are going to allow each person to get to know one another a little better. These can be fun as you look at the various booths that are set up and the sights that are all around. 2- PICNIC IN THE PARK Though most people think that this is a bit too romantic for a first date, there are several people that are going to find that this is the best option. The fresh air, the sights and people watching will make sure that the conversation never runs thin. 3- SPORTING & OUTDOORS EVENTS If you and your new date are into extreme sports, then going to a place that has artificial rock climbing or even going bungee jumping can be the intense rush that you are both craving. In addition, it can serve to be one of the MOST MEMORABLE FIRST DATES EVER. 4- BOWLING This is a great way to have fun and still have the time to talk to one another. This is one of the classic first dates for a reason and this is because it works. 5- GO HIKING This is for those that want to have some adventure. There are tons of state parks that charge no admission to get in, yet you can explore for hours. This would be a great cool weather activity to do together. 6- GO TO A NEW RESTAURANT This idea is one that is going to be great if neither one of you have been to the place before since it is going to be an automatic conversation starter. Plus, you have the bonus of getting to try the place out and review it to those that you know. 7- SKATING Whether it is in the summer or the winter, going to an ice rink is a great way to bond with one another and have some fun. This is great to do during the winter time since everyone is wearing clothes that are appropriate already. 8- CLASSIC DATE: GO TO THE MOVIES The classic first date is dinner and a movie, which is still a great way to go. Just remember to choose a movie that your date will like just as much as you do. 9- CATCH A CLASS There are several classes that are offered on Friday and Saturday nights that are aimed for those couples that are dating or those couples that are having a date night. This is a great way to bond and learn something new. Some common classes are those that are offering new cuisines to cook or art forms to try. 10- GO TO THE RACES This is for those that love motor sports. Most every town now has some type of car race that happens every so often, so have a nice night out watching something that is entertaining.
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