Monday, 21 April 2008

Social Psychology Rules Of Seduction

Social Psychology Rules Of Seduction
I had intended "NEVER" to begin any writing on seduction, pickup or dating with the hackneyed phrase 'The Rules of Seduction'. I apologize truly. The cliche'd title comes from the UK channel 4 show of the same name. It broadcast on Friday the 7th of December. AS THE CHANNEL 4 DESCRIPTION PUTS IT: "A journey into the hidden world of the pick-up artist, men who've developed tricks and routines that they claim any man can use to seduce any woman." Have a look at some clips here Some might remember Channel 4 in the UK was also responsible for the program "Seduction School" that featured Juggler, which overall I liked. So is "The Rules of Seduction" compelling TV, Is it a good insight into the reality of seduction practice? It tries hard at one, it is certainly not the other. Some interesting things, amongst them the reappearance of Darren (I Am The Future), I had wondered on occasion what had happened to that fellow. It was he, who (along with Hoobie) gave the community its first real infield footage about three years ago Goodness, that long! MORE FROM THE CH4 BRIEF: "Darren AKA 'I am the Future' is one of the UK's leading pick-up artists: a growing group of young men who claim to excel in the art of seduction. This film explores their often murky world from its London underbelly to the 'glamour' of the annual L.A. seduction summit" MURKY WORLD TRICKS SLEAZE LIES SUPERPOWERS - WELL, ITS ON TV IT MUST BE TRUE? HAVE I BEEN DOING IT WRONG



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