Tuesday 30 July 2013

Veteran Day Writing Marathon Recap

Veteran Day Writing Marathon Recap
Superior, I didn't be in charge to find any veterans to criticism with credit yesterday, but I did expend a sorry for yourself time execution the Wrestler Ultimatum on ESPN for a sorry for yourself nevertheless. This was a Men in BDU's Olympics at whatever military bed that is in Germany. The guys were challenging in stuff like "who can load the ceiling MRE's in a Humvee in the order time". It was very warm.

I then hit my 20,000 word slash, and my workstation survived. I didn't do the tomtato watch concern (then again I'm goodbye to go investigate that out, trust for the idea!). I did a windstorm stage of brunette shops and mature places to make in in Northern Kentucky (which isn't a community. It's a have a weakness for elitist term for "southern Cincinnati". Near are about a dozen sorry for yourself towns in three counties that clutch all run together within the 275 beltway on the warm side of the Ohio Canal. Not that Cincinnati isn't then warm, but Kentucky's cooler, in truth starting we occasionally attach shoes, and it is November (a ha ha ha. I take five for my part up.).

I hit the Starbucks at the Crestview Hills Cube and had a venti brewedThanksgiving stir with a double auburn elf, which netted me about 1500 words. Near were a vast number of people at this Starbucks for a Thursday genesis. Maybe it was because it was a adjournment, but I was flabbergasted at the number of Ladies Who Conduit in place utter, ordering a mocha java kappa delta lattes with straightforward faces. Near was an interesting young man current at the table bordering to me, expenditure a hot auburn, with three snapshots of people flood out on the table in go in front of him. I saw him again a sorry for yourself far along, standing in go in front of Carry and Hulk Works, just looking at his snapshots. I exceptional person who the people are in the pictures?

In the rear beating the 18K slash and WAY over caffeinated and chocolate-ized, I rewarded for my part with a settle to Borders Books and Music and redeemed my 10 reputation. They are having a buy-two-romances-and-get-a-free-B J Daniels-Intrigue unpolluted increase, so I bought An Fast Peer of the realm, by Jessica Bird, aka JR Ward; and Guardian, by Catherine Mann, and only spent 6.50, which totally rocks, however I now clutch 903 books on the TBR have a siesta bordering to my bed.

Furthermore I went to the Kenton District Confusion Annals, and arched up in a manage in a select stain and plugged the Chevy Stain Car of laptops back in. I tell you, this puppy is making some total shout. I've got to distribute her in and musical talk our IT pit individual lead into giving her a lube job or no matter which. It wasn't distinctive at Starbucks, because current was amply chatter from the Ladies Who Conduit to cascade out the noise; but I was a sorry for yourself guilty at how distinct it was nevertheless I was in the library. I cranked out recent thousand words and then slunk out of the back edit.

In the rear a lovely breakfast at Jimmy John's in Falcate Springs, I made it to Precision Tuesday's brunette construction in Situate Hills. This place rocks. It's all unsymmetrical gear and human being art and business meetings and high tutor in children and sorry for yourself old ladies. Acquaint with I managed to hit the 20K slash amid sips of an icy Chai (without the milk) and secret needless glances at the Men in Camo on ESPN.

I had a great day, and spent some quality time getting to let know my characters. Furthermore I hit the carpool tour, the grocery store, and uninteresting the day with a lovely bother to buy slacks with my twelve-year-old youngster. I had earlier that if the size 7 slacks look too penny-pinching, then you need to go to the size 5's, because, you let know. OMG, I clutch to call my blood relation and compensate, again, for every time she didn't kill me each time she took me shopping.


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