Thursday 1 August 2013

Why Online Dating Is A Good Thing

Why Online Dating Is A Good Thing
My friend, Dating Coach Ronnie Ann Ryan wrote an article about the benefits of dating online, and why you should go for it (especially if you think it's beneath you). Keep in mind: You will meet duds. You will meet so-so guys. And you may indeed meet the man of your dreams. According to Ronnie, "Statistically, 20 percent of all relationships and 12 percent of marriages now start online." She also says that online dating is a numbers game, and it absolutely is. Think quantity to get quality. Keep first meetings short (coffee in a public place is good!) and frequent. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged. Again, it's a number's game. Most of the men you meet will not be the one for you, and that is perfectly right, normal, and okay. Whatever you do, do not fall into the trap of talking to a Mr. Online Possibility on the phone for more than 10 minutes before you get that coffee -- too many telephone Romeos just want an ear to pour their problems into. They're not necessarily interested in actually meeting or getting to know you. Your goal is to actually meet the guy. You want to look him in the eye. You can't really discern whether he's a hit or a miss by emailing back-and-forth or talking on the phone. Check out Ronnie's article here. It's full of good tips.


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