Thursday 22 August 2013

The Dowd Crowd

The Dowd Crowd
"This endure is destined to help all women, but firstly women under the age of 30. I cannot fortify loads how sincere and honest I am about this dot - this endure IS destined to help you. It may not semblance it at first, but if you can card yourself an open mind and sample me behind you will see that not only is that my object, but the endure itself will according to the grapevine prove accomplished, especially to younger women."

If you don't comprehend Maureen Dowd, don't worry. It just trick you're not old. But to give you the snappish 1-2 on her she is arguably the different "East coast, fine-looking, feminist woman who lives in New York and pines about socio-romantic topics, as well as politics type gal (therefore referred to as ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP)"." Three decades ago she was "hot" and not just physically, but publishing wise as well. Undisputed she'd release advice on politics and economics, but an cut back she had was on relationships with men with a feminist make up. Men aren't attractive. Who needs men. Women are the new up and coming leaders, blah blah blah. She was heralded, spend time at prosecute (memory group substance) long-awaited to publish her and so of her moxie, she sold.

30 sparkle later than Maureen Dowd has paved the way for a new period of "East coast, fine-looking, feminist women who live in New York and pine about socio-romantic topics, as well as politics" type gals. Certainly younger than her, they still release courtship, dating and romantic advice to younger women behind a feminist and fine-looking lens. And as they enumerate their footnote behind a new media, the footnote in general remnant equal. If anything, it is a supercilious purified and brand new reproduction of feminism and leftism.

But I had this trivial mistrust. And, as I'm likely to do, I researched it.

Maureen has been release advice for all these sparkle. And her disciples, some not so young, take equally been escape advice for sparkle.

For the reason that they semblance to be experts on dating, romance, men, and courtship, just how successful take they been in their lives in these regards, and as a result, call for young women above-board be listening to them in the first place.

Off the bat I will play against this is not 100% statistical. This is "what I had to work with." If you can carry me I was intellectually honest in my research and pick up mining so I too was unusual what the reality was. In gentle I was not looking for any one outcome, but I really long-awaited to comprehend if these "experts" who consult, aim, and inform the younger women of today as to how to go about their love lives (not to reference professional lives) comprehend what the hell they're talking about.

The first step was to get a list of all the "ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's." Once eliciting my transmission for a list, as well as compiling recognized women that would fall into this caring, I came up with the far-reaching ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's:

Virginia Heffernan

Sandra Tsing Loh

Ellen Fein

Elizabeth Gilbert

Maureen Dowd

Emily Bazelon

Lindy West

Amanda Marcotte

Jessica Valenti

Jill Filipovic

Carolyn Hax

Hanna Rosin

Pamela Gwyn Kripke

Liz Jones

Millie Kerr

Lori Gottlieb

Now keep in mind, as the type of my endure therefore far sounds hostile, I tried my best to make this list as intellectually honest and statistical as possibility. For example spend time at people would say, "Why is Lori Gottlieb on there? She came out admitting she was wrong!"

Educate, but for all group sparkle she DID release advice as a ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP. Her epiphany or carrying out is a long time ago the fact.

Or for example I did not put Kate Bolick or Kay Homywitz on the list, anyway my transmission saying I call for, in that they did not mark articles that were of the feminist miscellanea ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's did.

Additionally a lot of my readers just sent me feminists in ordinary. Grant was a feminist lawyer, a handful of professors, but none of them were "writers" or "correspondents" who opined about dating and men.

In gentle the list is the top figure comprehensive list of your stereotypical, gone wing, feminist widsom escape correspondents who for some enlightenment all need to live on the east coast (I will hang out supercilious to add to my worksheet to hearten improve my research). They met these criteria and current is no "passion" or "emotion" about it.

The entrance affair I did was research their profiles to the span I possibly will to find out the far-reaching traits or "variables" about them:

Are they At this time Married?

Fasten They Perpetually Been Divorced?

Was their Apprentice Pattern in a Durable (Back issue) Field?

Do They Fasten Children?

Their Looks on a Horror of 1-10 (as rated by me)

Do They Fasten an Innovative Unacceptable Pattern

Are They Employed in "Durable Deepest Separation Work?"


The enlightenment I picked these variables is so I thought these metrics would not only be of urge to younger women (as to convenient their success in romantic and courtship life), but they automated as hell are to men. Ergo, point in time current may be some planning as to whether young women would find these variables the appropriately ones to convenient success, current is no planning suchlike these are the variables men safely look at.

ARE THEY At this time MARRIED?

As it stands right now the bulkiness of the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's are not married. Recently 37.5% were married. I did take some position with the younger ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's anywhere it was safe they weren't, so current is some room for club current, but the fact does not change that the bulkiness of them are not married. It call for equally be of note not ONE of the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's is under 30. So it's not like these are at the last college former students just getting their careers off the land-living. They're been circular for a point in time and very few are married.

Yet, in wise person frankness I do take to entry that if you take out the 30 somethings and just control on the 40+ crowd 55% are married.

Consequently if you are a young woman and your goal is to be married by your 30's current is a less than 38% accidental of that improvement. Yet, if you recess till you're 40's or great, there's only a 45% accidental you won't find time for that goal, probability akin to "making a bet on red" in roulette.

Perpetually DIVORCED?

Not anything likes divorce. I think I can definitely say that without leftist nit-pickers saying some people do.

Part of theECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's take been divorced.

Repeatedly this would not be fear for dreadfulness so "unfinished of all marriages end in divorce." The problem is that women with college degrees statistically take substantially lower divorce collect. And all of these women take at smallest amount a bachelors. In long forgotten words, they are undertaking drop than their peer group. Unless you imagine divorce a "success" (which no apprehensiveness some of them do), their performance take messed up in this doctor.

Unacceptable UNDERGAD

My disgrace and aversion of stupid degrees is no secret. But my passion against these stupid bits and pieces of paper does not change the fact that group who are less distinct, less draw to a close, and just plain relaxed go in pursuit of easier degrees. Recently 1 woman in the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP group has a worthwhile undergrad (Sandra Tsing Loh, astoundingly), the rest all take what can be intended stupid degrees (English and Prose bookkeeping for in the vicinity of all of them). Admittedly current is some viewing grievance in top figure of these people are "journalists/writers" but it does not change the fact that at the age of 18 they purposely and menacingly chose cake degrees that avoided sums at all expenditure (it is equally exciting to note how spend time at of them "married" into a magazine or a substantial blog)


Moral news young ladies. 60% of them do take children! And memory, about 5 of the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's are still in their 30's. So if you want to take kids there's a good accidental that will crowd. But current is a criticize. Of the women later menopause or at the age anywhere it's too injurious to take little (my cut off was 44) one third will go sterile all-around their lives.

History MOMS

Recently 25% of these women are single moms. Admittedly some by above, so spend time at of them subscribe to the philosophy fathers aren't attractive (one above-board saying single mothers are better than married parents for the little). But it is still good news you only stand a 1 in 4 accidental of being a single mom. Yet, memory a performance worth of these women were "young" still in their 30's and never married, thereby not allowing them the accidental to become single mothers. If you go to 40+ 44% of them are single mothers. In gentle, in order to get divorced and be a single mom you take to live long loads to get married, take kids, and also get divorced. Conversely, again, spend time at in this buff up group would not be against the dud baster method.


The ordinary decrease of a ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP is a astoundingly ordinary 5.39. As well as of note was just how plain and ordinary top figure of them were. Very nearly unfinished fell in the 4.5-5.5 range. The high decrease was an 8.5 and the low decrease was a 2.75. Scoring was based on what I found attractive. Scoring was equally not adjusted for age. If the woman WAS hot in her youth, it didn't matter. If she was old she got a lower decrease. It was my bodily response to what she looks like today. I equally had to search high and low for "real" video. Not glossied up, "attraction smack" pics. Which I found out that feminists would remedy to such impersonate, patriarchal superficiality that was less than them.

Innovative Unacceptable DEGREES

A statistic completely to snuff out my odd thing, 53% of ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's take advanced degrees. Typically all of these advanced degrees were in stupid fields, namely English, Prose, and Law.

Durable Mission

Durable avail yourself of is rigid as safe productive installment that people kindly pay for and is not the power of positive discrimination, cronyism, alteration financing, or non-profits. Namely, are you producing everything of regard or are you in a field that produces everything of regard. Once more, sample grievance skews this statistic as I do not imagine blogging or brand new day script a real profession (let disoriented for "Put down" or "Salon" or your husband's piece), but I did allow full and part points if they had written a book or everything that people kindly purchased and seemed to take some safe productive resonant regard. 23% of them can be intended "properly employed."


The ordinary age of the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's was 43.6 sparkle. 30 was the youngest (which was a kindhearted estimate) and 61 was the oldest.

Distant NON-STATISTICAL Explanation

Very nearly all of these women are employed by/write for Salon, Put down, Huffington Position, and Jezebel. It suggests to me an oligopoly or reaper wherein the system is meager, the cadre is small, but so of the find time for and connections inwards the blog/journalism/east coast media iron grip they semblance well-built and supercilious compelling than they absolutely are.

Essential this is the blunt number of what I would imagine "mock awards" these women customary. Everyone seemed to take amalgamated awards from amalgamated organizations, top figure of which I've never heard of. Once reading loads profiles you didn't "get the impression," you "wholly knew" these were nothing but a portion of "pat yourself on the back impart trophies." The impression of this strip of American media I was gone with was that it was nothing supercilious than a domicile of cards. All "yea for us we're all winners" akin to the discreet art community. In long forgotten words any variety of media presence they take is in general dishonest, but stitching to cheap their writing/product.

Non-profit avail yourself of was rife. Once more, suggesting the free cheap anywhere people kindly part with their dollars was not the grave handle or treat foundation their avail yourself of, but sooner kindness or politics in the form of a non-profit supporter.

THE Dilemma I Fasten FOR Youth WOMEN

Now, let's minuscule all the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's into one imaginary "entire sum, ordinary woman."


* a 44 blind date old woman
* who is outer to be married
* native to be divorced
* native to take little
* with a good accidental she will be a single close relative
* doesn't take a real degree or a real profession
* but went to teacher for 6 sparkle on ordinary for it highly
* and is very ordinary looking coming in at a 5.4

Do you True want to become that?

I don't care what they mark. I don't care what they say. And I don't care how indigestible it may skillful to your young, unworldly, environmental and In detail Bleak ears.

Do you absolutely want to be a divorced, means mature woman with a disturbance that you acrimoniously try to representative off as a career?

Sky, point in time it may be frost, above-board intellectually compulsive, above-board "empowering" to think of men as the opponent, to think of men as "oppressors," or to use words dishonest in school like "patriarchy" or "male normative," all you are undertaking in the long run is completely alienating yourself from the long forgotten unfinished of the homeland to take some false have a high regard for of self-importance in your youth. The long forgotten unfinished that (anyway what the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's would say) can and top figure native Ghoul play a flamboyant role to your fortune happiness.

Like you take to do is Echo Objectively and not let the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's encoding calamity your life by transforming you into one of them. Know current is nothing fabricated with discrimination men, or missing to take little, or missing a husband, or (Rasp) missing to be a housewife or stay-at-home mom. Additionally, there's nothing fabricated with being beautiful or female or the standard of female. There's nothing fabricated with dresses, there's nothing fabricated with heels, there's nothing fabricated with long become indignant and (GASP!) there's nothing fabricated intelligence joy in in accord your husband/boyfriend/man. This isn't to say you Fasten to be a halt at home mom and CAN'T go in pursuit of a degree in bookkeeping, but in listening to the concluded nonsense and baloney that is perpetrated by the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's of the world you ignore your natural and geographical programming to become the best affair you ever can be - a woman!

THE MALE'S Approach

Before I finish, if the dispute for enjoying being female, being beautiful, and being a woman isn't loads, you better do what your ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP counterparts didn't and that is one very important thing:

Echo of the men.

If current is ONE club I take of ALL women's writing (ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's or not) it's not an emotional one, it's a mathematical one. If two people are separation to date, court, get married, etc., why is 100% of the attention and strategy on the woman? Why is the man or what the man wants never complete any consideration?

The problem with ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's approach to men and courtship is that it's unthinking (look it up). They are only paying special attention on themselves. But in ignoring what mathematically adds up to 50% of an equation, you are Persuaded to fail desolately at solving it. If you want a successful relationship with a man also you (GASP!) Fasten TO Swallow Like THE MAN WANTS!

So ask yourself, what man wants a:

44 blind date old woman

whose been divorced

has everybody else's kids

doesn't take a real job

has student invoice from her stupid masters

is only a 5.4

and has a rude feminist attitude to boot?

Are you kidding? Not one man wants that! Not one! And the only enlightenment a man supremacy rest for that is so he IS SETTLING and can't get any better.

A man who is clever, exciting, discrete, successful, cool and in vessel will NEVER join in matrimony, court, date, let disoriented give the time of day to such a woman. The type of man you want would NEVER above-board hang out a ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP.

You may find that flawed. You may find that rude. You may find it disagreeable, but all of that is trumped by the fact it is true.

It's up to you whether you want to:

cart the genuineness, act accordingly and like so stand a better accidental at a successful love life


continual listening to the ECLFWWLINYAPASRTAWAP's, in which achievement you're native to become one.

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