Tuesday 2 April 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For In Your Relationship And Marriage Part 2 Fantasies

Be Careful What You Wish For In Your Relationship And Marriage Part 2 Fantasies
MUST READ! (And you know I use those words VERY sparingly!) When women say they have a "rape fantasy," they are not being literal. They're talking about a show of confidence and decisiveness, not brutality and cruelty. Find out exactly what they really mean by reading on...Today is a great day. I stopped a reader from ruining his marriage and his life, and I may be about to stop somebody else by sharing his letter and my response. Meet Gf:Hi David,I got your book, and things are really coming together fast. I had apparently become pretty boring without realizing it, and now that I'm back to being me, my wife is back to being her old self too, and it's like you say, the honeymoon is back on. We've gone from once every time the seasons change to almost every night and sometimes during the day.I've even overheard her telling her girlfriends about what's happening and she's trying to play it off to me like it's not that big of a deal and teasing me to keep the pressure on, but when she talks to them and tells them about stuff I'm doing and stuff we're doing, she giggles like a school girl. I walked in on her yesterday while she was talking to one of them and she was talking about what happened in the bedroom the night before and blushed and hung up in a hurry and ran out of the room laughing!Overhearing her phone conversations is the reason I'm writing to you. I overheard her say something a few days ago about things are getting so hot she's having "rape fantasies." That makes me uncomfortable to think about, but if she really wants to try it I guess I'm willing. What do you think? I mean, is this something I should do for her, or is this some sign that she has a problem?Thanks, and have a good one,GfCongratulations, Gf! I just love hearing success stories like this. As for your wife's fantasy, we need to talk, and fast!Repeat after me and commit this to memory: NO MENTALLY HEALTHY WOMAN EVER HAS A TRUE RAPE FANTASY! Rape is violent, traumatic, and often damages women for life. It is not about sex, but about subjugation, terror, control, and abuse. It causes some women to do things like never want sex, never allow their husbands to see them undressed, fall into suicidal depression, become so paranoid they can't leave the house or sleep in the dark, etc. She's talking about something else, and you and every other man needs to know what that is, so here goes, straight from the mouths of women:Women want to be desired, led, and ultimately taken by a strong, confident man who doesn't ask permission to initiate sex, but loves and respects them enough to honor the word "no" when they hear it and recognize it as being spoken in earnest. A great example is the scene in "The Fountainhead" where Gary Cooper goes to visit Patricia Neal in her apartment. She wants him terribly, and has gone to great lengths to make him know that she wants him, but she still resists because she wants him to "take" her, to hold her tightly, kiss her passionately, and take her where she's craving to go, emotional heights of sexual bliss previously unreached! Understand above all that she fights him off to see how much he wants her, and feel the rush of him winning, and she wants him desperately. She runs away because she wants, or even NEEDS to be caught, to feel the rush of passion and of being wanted.This is what a woman refers to when she speaks of a rape fantasy, the feeling of a man being in charge and taking her where she wants to go, confidently, expertly, without asking permission. It's a "sweep her off her feet" maneuver, not a "violate her and leave her emotionally ruined for all time" maneuver. They refer to it as a rape fantasy because once in a great while, in sharp contrast to their normal desire to be ramped up through a lot of talk, caressing, foreplay, advancing and withdrawing, it's exhilarating for them to be taken to an aroused state through naughty play and seeing their man doing manly things to the extent that they're wanting him, and then to just have him do something like walk in the house, pick her up, and carry her to the bed and ravish her without ever slowing down, shockingly and decisively, or to swiftly, hungrily, but playfully wrestle her to the couch, floor, kitchen counter, etc., and just go for it, hell-bent for glory and orgasm.Things like firm-but-not-cruelly-painful pulling of her hair, spanking her behind firmly but not abusively (it's much more about the sound of a spanking than the stinging for most women, and if you can cause a loud smacking noise without causing pain, you're a master), wrestling and struggling a bit as you maneuver for position, etc., can be exhilarating for her and add to the sexual tension greatly if she's into it, but the true essence of rape, the sadistic beating and threatening designed to humiliate, terrorize and subjugate, are not healthy, and not what she's looking for if she's healthy.This is something you do only occasionally, and only when you can tell that she's already amped up and you've been keeping her mind on naughty thoughts through the day. It's done for the shocking thrill of pure, raw, carnal abandon, not when she's had a bad day fighting with the kids, people at school or work, sitting with a loved one in a hospital, etc. If you encounter genuine resistance of any kind, this isn't the time to be doing this; indeed, if she's sufficiently aroused for this to be a good time for something like this, she may even be tearing at your clothes and clawing at your skin at the same time she's saying, "stop." The distinguishing factor is the heat; there will be very little if any foreplay, because she's already amped up, is aching to have you inside her, and will aggressively be trying to make you erect and get you inside her as soon as possible. By all means, in this scenario, OBLIGE HER!It's about a show of confidence, not a show of force, or brutality. It's about the man showing that he doesn't fear his or her feelings or desires, or her rejection, and knowing, while seeing and feeling this powerful behavior, that if something weren't right and she were to say, "No," or tell him to stop in earnest, that he would do so, not because he's weak, but because he's in charge, not desperate; respectful and loving, not demeaning and abusive. This kind of action is a celebration of primal, carnal sexuality for both of you, not some "putting her in her place" maneuver intended to demean and subjugate.If you really want to go to extremes, then at least establish some sort of safety signal that she can invoke so that you know that her resistance isn't just part of the fantasy, such as the words "red light" or "too far," which will allow her to say things like "stop" and "don't" as part of her fantasy but still provide you a way of knowing that you're going too far, being too rough, etc. One thing that you never, ever want to do is find yourself in a position of wanting to apologize for something after sex. But, as with most things concerning women, a little genuine communication goes a long, long way to keeping things on the right path.As you can see, women often speak their desires, but even when they do choose to speak directly to us about them, which may be more often than you think, they don't do it in language that we readily understand. They never state the obvious. When they say they want a "sensitive" man, they don't mean sensitive instead of manly, they mean in addition to manly. When they say they have a "rape" fantasy, they mean they want to be taken swiftly and hungrily, not beaten to a pulp, verbally abused, scared to death, and then disrespectfully desecrated. But how are you supposed to know this?You won't, unless you learn to speak "girly-ese" as I and the many readers of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage" have done successfully. Effective communications or the lack ther can make or break a relationship just as surely as being well- or poorly-matched, or sexually attracted or sexually bored. Luckily for you, all of the above are discussed at length in this truly amazing book, and by the end of it you too will be a master of happy relationships. Download your copy now at http://www.makingherhappy.com/, before you cross some invisible line that lands you in crisis counseling or divorce court, or if you already have, because it will get you out of trouble and keep you out if you just read it and use it.In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!David Cunningham "Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham


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