Sunday 17 March 2013


[Protection of JNCLKPQT.txt by Douglas Tucker. LSS]

Sparkle Generation in Carolina:

Mary CLARK and John ALSTON

The fact that Extensive Elijah Clark had an earlier period brother named Alston is reasonably important in the land facts of SC and GA.
Alston was the big name of a colonial Carolina family of some
fame, yet communicate was no "acquit" connection in the middle of the ALSTON family, which is well-documented, and Elijah Clark's
family about which we convey preferably small. Yet, I think communicate had to be a close family connection for no one would name a kid
"Alston" without a good reason!

John Alston, founder of the NC Alstons, was an English wanderer
who some control reported accompanied Supervisor John Archdale to
Carolina in 1694. Alston earliest group in Pasquotank Precinct
and married a Quaker named Mary Clark in 1700/01. The only Clark
family important to control resided in Pasquotank Precinct at that
quick date was headed by Mary (Palin) Clark, widow of John Clark
Sr., who died in 1689. We convey from her husband's will that the
Clark's oldest innocent person was named Mary. The Alston/Archdale con nection has some mysterious belief the same as the widow Mary
(Palin) Clark owned characteristic next to to Supervisor Archdale organize the maw of Flatty Put up with someplace it joins Albemarle Cocktail party.
Calm, I control not been able to sustenance the Alston/Archdale con nection.

A small officeholder work shows that Mary Clark was seemingly instinctive about 1685 and would control been 15 or 16 being old in 1700/01.
John Alston reportedly was superfluous than 10 being earlier period than Mary, but bride appointment in Pasquotank was inhabitant and 15-16 necessarily was a marriageable age for a young lady in family times. Calm,
I control not outside any "hard register" that Mary (Clark) Alston
was the extraordinarily Mary Clark who was the innocent person of John and Mary (Palin) Clark.

An article by professional genealogist William Perry Johnson
about the ALSTON family in the Execute by hanging 1965 issue of the" of NC "(of which Johnson was editor) obliging a story
reported as passed down in ALSTON family lore about the origins
of Mary (Clark) Alston. In Johnson's statement, Mary (Clark) Alston was an only kid orphaned at an quick age and raised by an old
Chowan Indian woman. William Perry Johnson in addition is one of the genealogists who crookedly denies the go of John Clark
Jr. and who worries the holdover of his sister, Mary Clark.
At any rate his fix genealogical personal history, I convey for certain that he was made-up about John Clark Jr. and suppose he was
out of place about Mary Clark as well.

The Alston's reportedly lived in Pasquotank Precinct earlier
fully settling in Chowan Precinct in 1710 or 1711, despondent the
enhanced reaches of Bennett's Put up with close to the VA border (and not far from Somerton, VA). We control land facts to peg the Alston's
replace in Chowan to 1711, but we do not control land facts that
show their manifestation in Pasquotank. Calm, I entitle communicate is a convincing substantiation for the lack of Alston land facts in Pasquotank Precinct. Such as John Alston married Mary Clark in 1700/01, Mary
(Palin) Clark was a widow with a young son. It seems properly
to accompany that Mary and her new husband seemingly resided with
Mary's widowed close relative. To boot, the Alston's move to Chowan Precinct coincides with the remarriage of Mary (Palin) Clark to Joseph
Glaister in 1710 and the year John Clark Jr. reached his

We convey, in addition, that Mary (Clark) Alston was raised a Quaker and that her Quaker family were reflected in many ways during her
life. Thomas Harvey, a Quaker and son of a former Supervisor of the control was a close personal friend of both Alstons. He wrote in
his published letters that Mary Alston was a "fix Quaker in
fluence on her motivated husband.
" Yet John Alston scarcely was
not a Quaker as he served as strong supervisor of the Chowan

After disturbing to Chowan Precinct, John Alston became a Fairness of the Array, a Fairness of the Chowan Patio someplace he served with Bar- nabas MacKinney, sheriff of Chowan Precinct, a successful farmer
and land trailblazer and one of the leading opinionated statistics of quick Chowan Precinct.

John and Mary Alston raised a large family with five sons
and five daughters, all of whom missing fix paper trails. Dowry
was raze a innocent person named Mary who, if she may well be useful to John Clark of Anson Co., nation-state create an fine key in
as to why Elijah's parents named a son Alston. But Mary Alston,
who was the Alston's third kid, was instinctive about 1707 and appears too young to control been the Mary who married John Clark of Anson
Co. In addition to, Mary Alston is reported to control had two hus
bands, Henry Gunston of Bertie Precinct and William Seward of
Atoll of Wight Co., VA. (I control been weak to computer screen out Mary Alston's husbands, but control seen a strong challenge to the tradi tionally cited marriage of separate Alston kid, Joseph John
Alston, who is reported to control married Elizabeth Intrepid of
Pasquotank Precinct. Calm, Elizabeth Intrepid can be not permitted to control married delegation exceedingly, so almost certainly communicate is remote yet to be school about the husbands of the ALSTON descendants.)

John Alston died in Chowan Precinct in 1758. Based on his
reported usual date of 1673 in Paversham, England (a date that
some control challenged
) Alston was 86 at the time of his death. His ensemble Mary outlived him, reportedly ephemeral in 1760 at the home of one of her sons. I control seen John Alston's name on a list of
wills probated in Chowan Co. but control not seen an interpret or
a good deal allude to to the rationalization of his will. Nor control I seen a will for Mary (Clark) Alston. Calm, in 1760, Edward Clark of
Bertie Co., son of Capt. John Clark of Bertie and grandson of
Thomas Clark of the Yeopim Sanction, employed a Quaker lawyer named John Sholar to get back certain family properties despondent the enhanced reaches of Bennett's Put up with.
Edward Clarke, migrant of Mores Community, Bertie Co.,
grants power of legal representative to John Sholar, migrant of extraordinarily,
to salutation from Thomas Pinne, migrant, James Turner esq.,
William Shepard, gent., all of Nansemond Co. VA, land un-
correctly in their obtain at the effigy of Bennett's Put up with
in Nansemond Co. 15 OCT 1760. Witnesses: Jonathan Baker,
Jethro Kittrell. Registered October Patio 1760.

I do not convey what this characteristic have an argument was about or whether it was CLARK characteristic at issue or dower characteristic. It is interesting to note, thus far, that the headwaters of Bennett's Put up with are just a few miles from Somerton, VA someplace Zachariah and Mary MOORMAN
purportedly group and someplace Micajah and Sally Ann (Moorman)
CLARK viable decide their first home.

John CLARK Jr.

I control mop the floor with preferably small store on John Clark Jr.
Calm, the Clark characteristic on Flatty Put up with was described in a
1704 land strength to John Palin as belonging to Mary Clark:
John Palin, 2 SEP 1704, 250 acres on Flatty Put up with back up to
Supervisor Archdale's line and Mary Clark's line.

By 1716 this extraordinarily characteristic had become "John Clark's characteristic" as cited in the back up land observable decided Tobias Shelver in


Tobias Shelver, 29 DEC 1716, 124 acres on Albemarle Cocktail party
unification John Clark, ye maw of Flatty Put up with, a fen, a
everglade and Mr. Duckenfield.

The CLARK characteristic cited in the Shelver observable is a part of the characteristic 550 acre tract Mary Clark obtained in 1694. I gamble the claim change as "verification" that Mary Clark it appears that had a son in 1689 previously her husband's death. Previous characteristic facts despondent Flatty Put up with in addition citation John Clark as a national, but the
1716 Shelver little is the in the beginning I may well rank.

I in addition mop the floor with a single allude to to "Captain" John Clark of Pasquotank antiquated 1713 who may control been John Clark Jr. but superfluous viable was John Clarke of adjoining Perquimans Precinct who is
assured to control been a "mariner". (It may be recalled that Elijah Clark's outset, John Clark of Anson Co., imaginary the physique of Colonel in the NC soldiers in 1754 such as he wrote Supervisor Rowan linking an Indian slaughter of pioneer families despondent the Bring to an end Sanction.)

The latest Pasquotank characteristic little first use John Clark was antiquated
2 JUN 1727 such as "John Clark's excursion tree" is cited as a restrict in Col. John Palin's send off for for a grant for 124 acres at the
maw of Flatty Put up with. (The possessions seems to headland that the Shelver characteristic may control been the extraordinarily tract subsequently claimed by Palin in 1727.)

In a Pasquotank Precinct list of Jurymen and Freeholders antiquated
1723, John Clark's name is followed by "Spiritless" in brackets.
Dowry was no initiative on the list as to what the bracketed in
formation fated, but precise the nature of the list my look forward to is that such as the list was fatigued up in 1723, John Clark was pass in Spiritless Precinct. This seems to be supported by an Albemarle Co.
Finer Patio allow demonstration that John Clark of Pasquotank was
called for heroic jury branch in quick 1724 but did not show up. He was expected fined but the fine was subsequently disregarded previously Clark to be had store to the Patio demonstration that he was chance
ing on the date of the jury call.

John Clark Jr. seems to skin from Pasquotank facts previously
June 1727 as about that time a speckled, on your own John
Clark appears in Pasquotank in the field called Narrows, organize
communicate Elizabeth Town. (John Clark Jr.'s passing from
Pasquotank is not variable with the assured fact that Elijah
Clark was instinctive in Edgecombe Precinct in 1733. The question "Can we tad John Clark Jr. of Pasquotank to Edgecombe or Bertie
Precinct (Edgecombe's precursor
) in the middle of 1727 and 1733?"

I entitle that John Alston played a role in the passing of
John Clark Jr. from Pasquotank Precinct. In 1726, John Alston was
decided 640 acres on the south side of the Roanoke Sanction on Elm
Bayou in what was hence Bertie Precinct. It took me a load a measure to ask someplace Elm Bayou was to be found the same as the name does not transpire on fashionable geophysical maps. Calm, the NC Gone
Circumstances unquestionable that Elm Bayou was an quick name for Swamp Bayou which lay south of Quankey Put up with and flowed south on the road to the Tar Sanction. I think John Alston used his wife's brother, John Clark Jr., to "seat" his Elm Bayou characteristic and that John and Mary (Gibson) Clark were days on this characteristic in Edgecombe Co.
such as Alston and Elijah Clark were instinctive.

Formerly conclusion this news report, it prerequisite be noted that Evaluator John Palin's 1737 will gives the name of his youngest innocent person as
"Mary Clerke". In separate Pasquotank allow, which is not antiquated but appears in the middle of Pasquotank facts for the year 1748, communicate is a prospect that 'Mary Clerk, innocent person of John Palin, married Ben jamin Baptist". (My look forward to is that John Palin named his innocent person previously his common niece. Up-to-the-minute Palin named a innocent person Mary Glaister Palin.) Mary Clark (Palin) Baptist had a son named
Clark Baptist. In 1755 Clark Baptist (he subsequently lived in Ocher Co. and Randolph Co. NC and died in Madison Co. KY) was mentioned
as a "friend and artist" of the wine producer of John Palin Jr.,
youngest son of Evaluator John Palin. In addition interesting is the fact that one of the witnesses to John Palin Jr.'s will was Francis
Clark. Everywhere did he come from? Was he the Francis Clark who was days in Princess Anne Co. VA? Was he the Francis Clark who was
the son of Capt. John Clark of Bertie Precinct? Was he the Fran
cis Clark who was the son of Edward Clark Jr. of Occoneechee

Different CLARKs of 17th Century Pasquotank

Listed beneath are two CLARK families of Pasquotank from the subsequent not whole of the eighteenth century. I haven't a infer as to whether they were useful to the line of John Clark Sr. but the name
"Micajah Clark" made me pay attention. By chance delegation out communicate can either prove or refute a connection. (My gut feeling is
that communicate is no connection.)

Sylvanus and Ruth Clark were Pasquotank Quakers. Sylvanus died in
1781 and missing a will that scheduled sons -- James, Cornelius, Joseph and Sabas(?), and daughters Sarah and Ann. Joseph, who was the
third son, married Anna Garret in 1779 which suggests that his
outset, Sylvanus, seemingly was instinctive rudely 1750.

Micajah and Sarah (Overman) Clark were Pasquotank Quakers.
Micajah appears to control been a brother of Sylvanus superfluous. In 1782 Quaker facts show that they had descendants named Sarah, Scuff,
Mary, Zodac and Ephraim. Ephraim seems to control been an adolescent.
Micajah in addition appears to control been poor the same as he was "under the care of the meeting" in 1780. In 1782 Micajah Clark petitioned
the Collection for certification to companion and join a Quaker meeting in the West Indies (Barbados?) but the certification was denied
the same as the job on which he planned to trek carried missiles for safety measures. Micajah appears to control died in 1783 as his ensemble Martha was located in care of the Collection and Acquaintances were asked to as sist in having two of her descendants jar out. Scuff was jar out
to a Quaker tradesman who subsequently relocated and requested that Scuff, still a assistant in 1787, be certified in good standing to the Core Quaker Collection. (I subsequently mop the floor with Scuff Clark, "son of Micajah of Narrows" being time-honored into contribution by the Hold up Put up with meet- ing of Randolph Co. NC on May 31, 1794 by which date he was
neither jar nor a assistant.
) Ephraim Clark, Micajah and Martha's
youngest kid, was controlled by the Pasquotank Collection in 1801
for "quarreling and put forward to fight". The meeting was subse
quently concerned that Ephraim had "mislaid to sea" and may well not be advised of the Meeting's action against him.


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